
Gesture recognition device to fast-track with company's invite to Techstars accelerator

February 07, 2018

This story originally appeared in 間眅埶AV News

A company founded by a pair of 間眅埶AV alumni has been chosen to fast-track its gesture-recognition wristband to market under the mentorship of  one of North Americas biggest start-up accelerators.

Engineering science grads Lukas-Karim Merhi and Gautam Sadarangani co-lead  (BIT) together with Jose Fernandez, an industry veteran based in the Silicon Valley. The company is an incubator client of 間眅埶AVs Coast Capital Savings Venture Connection at the Surrey campus.

The companys product, TENZRTM, is a wristband that represents the next frontier in human-machine interaction. Its custom sensing technology recognizes users gestures, permitting them to control mixed reality environments, complex robotic systems, home appliances, and even medical equipment in operating rooms.

"Ubiquitous spatial computing (Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality) and the Internet of Things is upon us, says Sadarangani, the companys CTO. Our proprietary sensor fusion platform and artificial intelligence-based algorithms allow us to detect gestures when donned at the wrist, without the need for calibration, or any external beacons and cameras. 

T楚捧欽賊TM allows us to expand beyond the hand-held controller, mouse, keyboard, voice control and camera-tracking systems to include unconstrained gesture recognition, Sadarangani explains. Gestures are in fact complementary to the use of language (voice) when communicating, and together will allow us to interact with technology intuitively and naturally.

BioInteractive Technologies is one of 10 teams selected for the inaugural Techstars Anywhere program. Teams benefit from hands-on mentorship, funding and life-long access to the Techstars Network, all designed to help advance the promising start-ups. The acceptance rate for the inaugural cohort was less than one per cent.

We are honoured and excited to join the Techstars family, and look forward to being a part of their network of amazing founders, mentors, and investors, says Merhi. This will allow our company to achieve its vision to become the leading wearable in gesture recognition, and the de-facto controller of the next decade. 

The company became a resident client of 間眅埶AVs Coast Capital Savings Venture Connection last summer. Last year we launched our first-generation functional prototypes after significant research and development. says Merhi. These proved the concept and appetite for wrist-worn gesture recognition, made waves at conventions and made it all the way to the NASA VR lab.

Joy Johnson, 間眅埶AVs VP Research and International, says: 間眅埶AVs innovation strategy間眅埶AV Innovateshelps students and researchers mobilize their ideas for positive social and economic impact. BioInteractive Technologies is a prime example of the game-changing talent and technologies coming out of 間眅埶AV.

Jennifer Thompson, Mentor-in-Residence at 間眅埶AVs Coast Capital Savings Venture Connection program and founder of Hardware City, adds: BioInteractive Technologies is poised to become the next technology break-out story from Vancouver. The team has developed an elegant solution to complex problems in machine control, placing the company firmly at the leading edge of hardware innovation.


&紳莉莽梯;啦楚捧欽賊TM detects six gestures out of the box: hand open, hand closed, up, down, left, and right, and is used as a hands-free and camera-free controller.

  The device can also be customized to create other gesture-recognition solutions depending on the need.

BIT and its product are already attracting interest from the VR/AR, Internet of Things (IoT), healthcare and automotive industries.

Last summer, TENZRTM units were tested at the NASA Johnson Space Centers Astronaut Training Facilitys Virtual Reality Laboratory (VRLab) in Texas. NASA is evaluating their use as hands-free and camera-free controllers in their VR training setting.

BIT is one of six finalists for 間眅埶AV's annual Coast Capital Savings Venture Prize competition, to be held on Feb. 15.

 Merhi and his management team have just returned from a week of orientation meetings at Techstars Los Angeles offices.



 is the worldwide network that helps entrepreneurs succeed. Techstars founders connect with other entrepreneurs, experts, mentors, alumni, investors, community leaders, and corporations to grow their companies. Techstars operates four divisions: Techstars Startup Programs, Techstars Mentorship-Driven Accelerator Programs, Techstars Corporate Innovation Partnerships, and the Techstars Venture Capital Fund.

Lukas-Karim Merhi, left, and Gautam Sadarangani, the co-leads of BioInteractive Technologies (BIT) demonstrate their TENZR gesture recognition wristband. The company is an incubator client of 間眅埶AVs Coast Capital Savings Venture Connection at the Surrey campus.