
Veselin Jungic Receives The 2020 Adrien Pouliot Award

Friday, July 3, 2020

Ottawa, ON


OTTAWA – The Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS) is pleased to announce that Veselin Jungic of ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV is the recipient of the 2020 Adrien Pouliot Award in recognition of his outstanding contributions to mathematics education. The award will be presented at the 2020 CMS Winter Meeting in Montreal.

To read more, please see the CMS press .


"Congratulations Veselin! You are a wonderful choice for the Adrien Pouliot. The work you do is extremely important and I know your dedication to mathematics education in general is second to  none in the country."


"I am so delighted, but not a bit surprised, by the news. I cannot imagine anyone better deserving of this award. Thank you so much for your contributions to Canadian mathematics, for nurturing and educating our country's mathematical workforce. It is an honour to work alongside you. Congratulations!"


"Congratulations on your award!!  You contribute so much to our community with your tireless efforts."


"Richly deserved, Veso! Many thanks for all your contributions. We all have learned a lot from you."


"I just saw the press announcement. What great news! Particularly now when so much news is bad. I am so pleased that you have been recognized for all of the work that you have been doing."


"Congratulations on winning the Adrien Pouliot Award. I learned much from you during that summer working on the Ramsey project. That experience had certainly put me on the path of pursuing a phd."


"That is the best news in quite a while.  Fantastic.  Richly deserved.  Congratulations!"


"I was delighted to learn that you were chosen as this year's recipient of the Adrien Pouliot Award. Please accept my heartfelt congratulations! I couldn't think of a more worthy recipient; your involvement in so many educational matters has been an inspiration to the whole community."


"Amazing achievement!!! You are indeed doing more than imaginable (like Paul said) and I am very happy that your hard work (which is always highly appreciated by the students and participants at all levels), has also received recognition from CMS and our admin.

I am very glad to be your co-worker and a friend, being able to learn from you."


"I am thrilled at the good news!! This prize has been long overdue for you with your heroic and effective work on making mathematics a beloved subject to a diverse young population.

We are proud of you!"


"My first reaction was: how could it possibly be that Veso does not already have this award? But it is certainly high time. I am so pleased. I hope so much that there will be a real meeting that you can give a talk at. May that come to pass soon. 

Thanks for everything you have done and continue to do."


"Congratulations, Veso! Well deserved!! We are proud to know you."


"I was very happy to read about you winning the Pouliot award! Some sane and happy news in a world that seems otherwise these days. 



"Congratulations on winning the Adrien Pouliot Award. I admire you and your work!  With amity and respect."


"Congratulations on your receipt of the 2020 Adrien Pouliot Award !  This is so highly-deserved!! Am thrilled to hear this news."