
Small Number at 間眅埶AV and Integrating Indigenous Learning

February 16, 2021

Pro-D Day Abbotsford School District, Online

Elder Tina Lakey and Veselin Jungic shared their experiences with a group of teachers from the Abbotsford School District. The topics of the conversation included the Small Number project as a learning resource and our collaboration in the Math Catcher  Festival.

Thank you Mr. Ryan Colbert, Principal, Auguston Traditional Elementary School, for all your help with the presentation.



I am so glad that you have received your gifts. Your participation in the workshop was of great value both to myself and the attendees. Keep in touch, I am sure we will be involved in the festival next year. 

Yellow       Eyed      Owl            Woman  

K'anhl Gal  Xang,ii  Sgaas Sgaas  Jaad

Elder Tina

Indigenous Support Worker

Abbotsford School District