
Pinantan Elementary, Pinantan Lake, B.C.



Monday, April 25, 2016

Serena Read, Jamie Nordio, and Veselin Jungic were privileged to visit Mr. Doug Shaw's class  at  . Thank you Mr. Shaw for your hospitality and thank you Ms. Noreen Pankewich for organizing our visit.

From students:


Dear Dr. J,

Hey sorry about my email name Satan is a funny goat that I know any way, thanks  for coming up and teaching us. I really liked the  the Fibonacci sequence and the Chess legend hope you have good times here.




Dear Dr.J,

I really enjoyed having the extra few minutes at the end when you showed me how to make the heart mobius strips, and it was cool that you took the time to come up here and talk to all of us.I also learned a lot from your visit. Thanks for coming.

Sincerely, Brynn;

Grade 7 Pinantan Elementary


Dear Dr.J

I loved the mobius strips and the fabernatchie and the toys at the end also your presentation it was all awesome and I liked the volunteers Serena and Jamie thank you so much for that I liked it so much it was very entertaining.

From Aurora

Grade 6 Pinantan elementary


Dear Dr.J

I really enjoyed your presentation and I am really happy that you came to our school. Your slide show was really educational and  I also enjoyed your enthusiasm. You have really convinced me that ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV is the way to go and being a mathematician is something that I will consider a little later in my life. Thanks again for coming up and teaching us a little bit about mathematics and please tell the volunteers that I said thanks.

Truly, Elisa

Gr.5 Pinantan Elementary


Dear Dr.J,

I really appreciated the time you took to come up and teach us about mathematics. I really enjoyed the Fibonacci sequence with the shell and the storm cloud. I also loved your enthusiasm for math. Now I think of it as a game, so now I like it more.Thanks for bringing Serena, Jamie and Ms.P too, they had interesting stories. The mobius strips interested me too. Thanks for coming to our school.


Grade 7

Pinantan Elementary


Dear Dr.J

Hey Dr.J thanks for coming down to our small little school and teaching us about future high school math . It was fun learning new things about math, and it is awesome to learn more then one way of doing something. I loved learning more stuff about you and about your volunteers. I will definitely think about going to your school when I’m older. And I won't forget the amazing lessons you taught us on your visit to our small little school.
Thank you so much for taking your time to teach us so many new things and brain twisters. It was funny how many things we got to do that were so much fun. Thank you for your time.

Yours truly,



Dear Dr. J,

thank you for visiting our school I admire your enthusiasm and your teaching. also how you told us that the Fibonacci sequence is everywhere. Thank you.

Yours truly, Kye


Dear Dr.J,

I really liked your presentation and what I would really like to say is thank you for coming up and telling us about Mathematics. It was the most fun I had from math before, so thank you so much. Tell the volunteers thank you for coming too.

Sincerely, Adrianna

P.S. The one who has the really curly hair. 


Dear Dr.J,

I really enjoyed your presentation. I especially found it interesting how Fibonacci's sequence is found throughout the natural world. Your enthusiasm for math is infectious. Thank you for visiting our little school.



Grade 5-6-7 Pinantan Elementary


Dear Dr. J.

Thank you Dr J. for your great inspirational  presentation, it was really interesting. However the best thing I liked was your great personality you are fun,funny,cool, inspiring, and very smart, also your story was pretty awesome. I learned your cool finger trick and now for a fact I can count to 1000. And you tell Serena, Jamie, and MS.P that I enjoyed their stories too. Thank you so much for you inspiration.





Dear Dr.J,

Thank you for coming to our school, I liked when you talked about your life it was very cool to listen to what you did.
Maybe I will come to your university when I am older and I will go in your class. I love math now it is a lot of fun,
so I hope you come to our school again so see you later Dr. J.


Grad 5

age 11

Pinantan Elementary


Dear Dr. J.

I'd like to thank you for coming to our school.
Your presentation was very interesting, and I certainly enjoyed the paper cutting thing. I loved your subtle humour, and the University you work at looks really cool I’d love to visit it someday! I'm sure you put a lot of work into your presentation, and it sure payed off as it turned out awesome. I like that you brought some students along with you, they seemed like really interesting people.
Your tips and tricks are actually really helpful, and the puzzles were really fun.
Again, thank you so much for making our afternoon fun and interesting!




Dear Dr.J,

I really enjoyed your visit to Pinantan Elementary, but I really liked learning how to make the moebius strips. I thought that it was amazing how one strip of paper can turn into so many different shapes. I also learned a lot about Math, and I am so happy that you came all the way up here to talk to us.



Dear Dr. J

I really liked your enthusiasm...and funniness, I liked how you asked us to ask you something.The questions that you showed us were cool and I like the crafts with the paper.


5,6,7 class


Dear Dr. J

I really liked your presentation, your stories and your enthusiasm. I especially liked the part were you talked about the Fibonacci sequence, that kinda blew my mind. I liked all the games you played with us, and Jamie and Serena were also very fun. It was a awesome presentation, and I hope you can come back soon.


Hayden (or the kid with the green hair)

Pinantan Elementary



Dr.j thank you for teaching us those awesome mobius strip things i like those.
you are very good at math.

truly, Utah

PS( the girl who dose like pie)

grade 5


Dear Dr.J

Thank you for coming to our school, I really enjoyed it. You inspired me to try way harder in math, before I was not interested but now I am. You made it fun for us to do math. You are a great speaker, and I enjoyed listening to you, Thank you.

Grade 7


Hello Dr. Veselin Jungic,

I would just like to thank you for you're pleasant visit to Pinantan Elementary and bringing you're great enthusiasm along. Serena, Ms.P and Jamie made a great addition to the presentation and you, Dr.J made a great presentation, along with you're terrific mathematics! I specially enjoyed the Fibonacci sequence slide (Not just because you gave me a high-five). The Möbius strip activity was very interesting and mind-bending!
So, all in all I thoroughly enjoyed you're visit.




Dear Dr.J,

I really enjoyed your math presentation, enjoyed Your stories and your enthusiasm. the Möbius strip blew my mind! also its pretty crazy that The Fibonacci sequence is literally everywhere, the 'expanding' balls were pretty cool to.

sincerely Oliver


Hi, its one of the twenty something students you taught on Monday.

This is one of the letters you have gotten for coming to are little school and teaching about math and some of the cool things about it. Say thank you for coming here and being so enthusiastic and nice when you came here and, I just want to say that my favourite part about this was when we used the mobius strip to make cool things.

Once again thank you.