
Bert Edwards Science & Technology School, Kamloops, B.C,



Monday, April 25, 2016

Math Catchers, Serena Read, Jamie Nordio, and Veselin Jungic visited in Kamloops, B.C. We would like to thank Mr. Justin Hummel and Ms.Melody Steffenson for inviting us to share our excitement about mathematics with their students.


Students' comments:

From Ekam

Dear Dr J

I loved your math lesson because i like math that hard. I like how you showed us a new math Strategy. I remember how don’t show 132 to your parent and I have a question how many people do have in your class. I really like your banner that you brought into our classroom.I like how you teached how make a mobius stripes and really hope that you come again

Sincerely Ekam.



When you came was really awesome. When we made the paper mobius strips that was really cool. I also liked the puzzles that you showed us when you came. I didn’t know you were born in 1955. In the picture you showed us on the slide show of sfu it looked small in the picture but when you said how big it was i was amazed. I liked the legend of the chess king also.



TO: Dr. J

When you Came Dr J it was cool because we made a little paper chain. It was cool because it seems that it was magic that made the paper into a chain. I also liked the addition square chain it also seemed like it was magic because it was a square chain after you cut it. When i saw the University you work in I was amazed because it was so BIG. I didn’t know you were born in 1950. I also liked the legend were the chess king loses and his opponent beats him in chess.


From: Marco

Dear Dr J

Thank you for coming to our class to teach us in a really fun way. I loved learning how to do the
mobius strips, it was super duper fun. The class seemed entertained by all the cool questions you gave us about yourself, the more less questions really help us out. Hope you will visit us soon.


Name : joslyn

Age: 11

Dear Dr. J

I had fun learning how to do the mobius strips with you. Thank you for coming to our class and teaching us math. I hope I can see u again soon! I hope you enjoyed coming to our class.


Dear Dr.J ,

I liked the paper activities. I get to make things.I learned math .I had a good time.



Hi i’m Alex i am in grade 5 and i am 10 years old. Dr.j I loved the math activity I especially liked the square and circle math activity. I think it’s cool how paper folding can help with math. I liked how we made the matie thing with the paper to that was cool. I had a lot of fun with the story about dairy queen.



The Review!!!



Dear doctor:J

I loved your presentation I thought it was really cool. My favorite part was building the mobius strips even those were a little difficult (For me anyway.) I can't believe your school has 35,000 students and 2000 teachers. Are school only has about 220 kids at the most.

I don't think you should change anything for your next school. Your school seems so big it has 3 soccer field 1 swimming pool and 2 gyms. I loved your presentation you should change nothing.


Dear Dr.J,

I really enjoyed your presentation. The mobius strip was really cool! The story of the king was really interesting and I would love to be in your class and go to your school! You did have some trick questions but I like a challenge every once in awhile.

Sincerely Kate!

Age: 10

Grade: 5


Dear Dr. J,

The presentation was amazing! I really enjoyed it, thank you for coming into our school! I really liked trying out creating the mobius strip, it was super fun!

Sincerely, Ashley C.

Grade: 5


Dear Dr. J,

Thank you for your presentation, I really enjoyed it. I thought that the story of the king was really interesting and the parking lot trick was awesome. The mobius strip art was a lot of fun, and I really liked making them. I can’t believe how big the school was. How many students and teachers there were BLEW me away. Thank you for coming, and I had a lot of fun!

Student: Ayden

Grade : 5



Dear Dr. J

I really liked your lesson not only because it was awesome because I love Math I learned what a mobius strip is and if you cut something in half you don't always get 2 pieces and how to make a square with a ring which I showed my parents which they loved but I wish you would of showed us more of that awesome poster it was awesome having you!


Today was awesome when you guys were here. I thought it was hard making the Mobius Strips and it was really fun.The problems that we had to solve were fun and some were hard.I love Math so this was amazing.I learned things about you guys like where you're from.I learned that S.F.U has 35000 students and 2000 teacher which adds up to 37000 people in one school.


Grade 5


I remember making stuff like the infinity mobius stips.there was a lot of students at your school. I hope you come again.

From levi. 


Hi dr.j

my name is makayla what i enjoyed about your math presentation was the tricks and activities and all the cool things you tote us and i never knew we had a big school and are your class good at listeners.


Hi dr.j

my name is Carter and what I enjoyed about your math presentation was The tricks and activities. And all the cool things that you taught us.


The Review!!!

By: Kaitlin

Grade: 5

My favorite part was building the Mobius strips . I found that the car one was funny because it was upside down. I found it cool that depending on the way that you cut the paper you would get a different shape.  What I Think you should change is nothing. It was sooooo funny I liked it A LOT. I remembered that you had 520 kids in your class and 35,000 kids and 2000 teachers in Simion Rivers University. I loved your Presentation thanks for coming.


Dear Dr. J

I really enjoyed your presentation when you came to our school.All your tests were really fun.I think my favourite was the car test.I also REALLY liked the paper activity. ( I’m going to go home and learn how to do the hearts Mrs. Steffenson did, and teach my family how to do it.)We learned a lot about you and a lot about your work.

Thanks For Coming!

From: Kalysse

Grade: 5



Grade: 5

I really liked your presentation and learned something new. I also think that those Mobius strips that we did were really fun to make, and I've  seen those pictures on the internet and wanted to do it but never knew how to. I also never thought that you could do that with paper. I think that you shouldn't do any changes to your presentation because it was sooo awesome. And that was the funnest math class EVER!!!! Thanks for teaching us how to do it:)