
Belmont Secondary School, Victoria, B.C.



Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Hello Shawn,

I just wanted to thank you again for the amazing workshop with our Math 9 students at  last week, on April 29th. My students are still psyched about their tensegrities!

I have attached here some feedback from the students from both classes, and they are very positive.

One of our teachers, William Stee, was away that day and in the follow up, both of our classes have had some questions about the problems that were discussed during the presentation. We were wondering if it would be possible to get copies of those Powerpoint slides so we could wrap up those problem solving discussions with our classes?

We are looking forward to having you back again next year!

Many thanks,
Karycia Mitchell
Mathematics Department Head and Math Instructor
Belmont Secondary School

Testimonial Letters