
Sun Peaks Elementary School, Sun Peaks, BC


Wednesday, May 22, 2019

The Math Catchers Outreach Program visited the Secwepemc territory in Sun Peaks B.C. Dr. Veselin Jungic and Lindsay Clifton went to Sun Peaks Elementary School where we visited 2 classrooms from kindergarten to grade 3.  The students get very excited and are amazed by how many students there are in 間眅埶AV (間眅埶AV) because they never realized 間眅埶AV is like its own little city and it is bigger than their community. The students enjoyed doing our math puzzles and every student gets involved in counting how many apples there are whether it is half an apple or hole apples in baskets. The students are entertained by the movie Dr. Jungic collaborated with a former student about an eagle who needed help getting a salmon to the shore.  Lastly the students had a great time playing with our math toys.  Hopefully we inspired the students to see math is everywhere.  It was wonderful to meet all the teachers and students from Sun Peak Elementary School.  We would like to thank Mike Bowden for inviting us to visit your school.  We had a fantastic time in your school. (LC)