
Royal Bay Secondary School

Thursday, March 16, 2023
Collwood, BC

Math Catchers visited Royal Bay Secondary School in Colwood, BC. We were guests in two classsrooms:

12:30-1:50 Grade 10

2:00 - 3:20 Grade 12

Withe Grade 10 students we solved puzzles, looked for mathematics around us, and built hexastix. The class teacher was Ms. Kelly Wallace, a long time Math Catcher volunteer, supporter and contributer. 

With Grade 12 students we talked about students' plans for the future and built hexastix.

Veselin is proud to report that each student in both classes was able to finish their hexastix.

Thank you to all students and teachers for their hospitality.


"I just wanted to thank you so much for coming into my class today. My students seemed to have really involved in the Hexastix project and were even surprisingly engaged in the problem-solving tasks at the beginning. "