
Quilchena Elementary, Vancouver, B.C.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Math Catchers visited Ms. Brittany Segal's class at  School in Vancouver, B.C. Thanks to Brittany and her students for a wonderful workshop.

"Just wanted to thank you again for coming to my class this week! My students are still talking about it!! I have honestly never seen all my students be so engaged and they genuinely enjoyed every minute of your presentation. Pretty special!

Most of the students couldn't believe that Math was actually in everyday life and not just pages in a text book. That math could be toys and games and there are ways to incorporate math into fun activities.They also liked solving puzzles and that most of them were able to solve them quicker than Mme. Brittany...

All in all it was a huge success (as I'm sure you know)! You are welcome any time in my classroom and I would be honoured and thrilled to have you come back!

Thanks again!!"