
Juniper Ridge Elementary School, Kamloops, BC


Wednesday, May 22, 2019

The Math Catchers Outreach Program visited the Secwepemc territory in Kamloops B.C.  Dr. Veselin Jungic and Lindsay Clifton went to Juniper Ridge Elementary School where we visited two grade 2 classrooms for the afternoon.  The connection we achieve with the students in these workshops is amazing. We accomplish this connection by open ourselves up to the students by introducing ourselves to them, then we get the students to asking us question they want to know about us.  The most common questions we get from the students is how old are you? We want this connection because  we want the students to feel free to answer our math puzzles and math magic and also we want the students to take part in our presentation. Hopefully we made the students afternoon and made them think of math as fun.  It was wonderful to meet all the students and teachers at Juniper Ridge Elementary School.  We would like to thank Mike Bowden for inviting us to visit your school.  We had a great time in your school.  (LC)