
Heffley Creek Elementary School

Monday, May 2, 2022
Heffley Creek, BC

This was the second time that the Math Catcher Program had the privilege to visit Heffley Creek Elementary School! A very enthusiastic and energetic group of smart young mathematicians spent whole four hours solving Veselin's puzzles, counting things that we cannot see, figuring out various mysteries of a one sided surface, and playing with mathematical toys.

Thank you Ms. Claudette Silva and Ms. Noreen Pankewich for your kind invitation, hospitality and generosity.


" Hi Veselin,

Thank you so much for taking the time to come to Heffley Creek! The children had an awesome day with you!!  I had them write in their Journal and these were some of their responses:

"I like the cat magic. I figured out the cat was in the middle." Gemma

"I like when Dr. J gave us our presents." Layla

"I liked the duck math because it was very interesting." Kash

"In enjoyed playing with his toys because they were cool. I learned that Mathematics is everywhere!" Nolan

We hope to see you again next year!!"


"It was so nice to see you again. Thank you for coming up to Kamloops to my special school. I could tell the kids LOVED your visit & they really connected. Keep in touch!"