
October 14, 2021

Closed - RA Opportunity: Evaluation of Cross-listed UG + Grad Courses

October 14, 2021

Funding provided by the Institute for the Study of Teaching and Learning in the Disciplines (ISTLD) has been obtained to evaluate a cross-listed undergraduate and graduate learning environment. The goal of this project is to examine both the academic outcomes of students involved in this course and to explore changes in student perceptions of knowledge and skills. Ultimately, this study seeks to better understand cross-listed course options and its potential impact on student learning. This position would begin on November 1 or earlier.

Research Assistant Tasks:

  • Be responsible for qualitative and quantitative data analysis (documenting workflow, data cleaning, appropriate (statistical) analyses, drawing conclusions, data visualization);
  • Supporting sharing of/the presentation of project findings within and beyond 間眅埶AV;
  • Instrument design such as creating surveys, rubrics, interview protocols, observation protocols/checklists, self-reflection tools;
  • Analyze and summarize data, such as survey and interview data;
  • Undertaking literature reviews related to the project;
  • Assisting with data entry and evaluation;
  • Attending meetings with project leads/team.

Required Experience, Qualifications and Skills:

  • Familiarity with quantitative data analysis packages/languages, such as SPSS, Stata, or R;
  • Some familiarity with qualitative data analysis
  • Ability to select and implement meaningful analyses, including appropriate statistical treatment, and effectively communicate the work to a non-data-science audience;
  • Academic research and writing skills, as demonstrated by prior completion of similar projects;
  • Excellent interpersonal skills, including strong oral and written communication skills;
  • Ability to work independently, productively, and creatively;
  • Currently enrolled in a graduate program at 間眅埶AV (M.A., ME.d, PhD or equivalent combination of skills and experiences). Preference will be given to a graduate degree in or related to counselling psychology, educational psychology, or career development.

PLEASE NOTE: Student data from the current offerring of CRIM 872 will be analyzed by this RA position, therefore students currently enrolled in this course will not be considered for this position.

Rate of pay: $24/hr (incl. vacation and statutory holiday pay, no medical or dental benefits). The project is budgeted for approximately 195 hours.

To Apply: Applicants should submit: (1) a 1-page cover letter structured to address the qualifications, skills, and role responsibilities as listed above, and (2) a CV with two references listed. These two items should be organized as one PDF attachment and addressed to Zachary Rowan and emailed to zrowan@sfu.ca.

Note: References will only be requested from short-listed applicants.

Application deadline: October 25, 2021. We appreciate all replies to this position posting, however, we will only contact short-listed applicants.

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