
Exploring an Intersectional Feminist Journal Praxis

Grant program: Teaching and Learning Development Grant (TLDG)

Grant recipient: Dr. Ela Przybylo, Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies

Project team: Shahar Shapira, research assistant

Timeframe: January 2018 to March 2019

Funding: $6000

Course addressed: GSWS 333/831 – Ruth Wynn Woodward Chair Seminar: Intersectional Feminist Journal Praxis

Final report: View Ela Przybylo's final report (PDF)

Description: Intersectional Feminist Journal Praxis is a project-based course that bridges academic and popular feminism, art and text, feminist practice and feminist theory, scholarship and activism. In this advanced seminar, students will be asked to collectively develop—from start to finish—an inaugural issue of an undergraduate journal. The goal of the course is to mobilize students to partake actively, at all levels, in feminist publishing and feminist making while learning how to work collaboratively. Through this collaborative and hands-on course, students will have opportunities to think about the praxis of intersectional feminist action, the meanings of multiple voices and inter-media collaboration, and the dynamics of power flows and injustice. An intersectional, transnational, decolonial, and non-monolingual approach to journal-making will be encouraged and fostered.

Questions addressed:

  • How can we bridge popular and academic discussions around intersectional feminisms?
  • How can students work together, honing an intersectional feminist praxis, toward the common goal of building an online journal?
  • How can we give students the tools to build an online journal?

Knowledge sharing: We have been presented our findings at one conference, as follows, and we are developing the paper for publication in a feminist pedagogy journal. We are also planning to attend a brown bag lunch to share our findings.

Keywords: Intersectionality; Feminism; Praxis; Feminist Publishing; Undergraduate Journal; Journal-Making; New Media; Digital Humanities; Open Journal Systems
