
Fellowship Programs

Currently the ISTLD has two programs for 間眅埶AV faculty members to participate and engage with the ISTLD team on a deeper level. The Amundsen Fellowship (formerly the Dewey Fellowship Program) is an extension of the Teaching and Learning Development Grant program. The Amundsen Fellowship projects go beyond investigations related to their personal teaching practice. In Fall 2017, the Episkenew Fellowship was created to work with the ISTLD team to facilitate and coordinate support for faculty who participate in the Disrupting Colonialism through Teaching: An Integrated Seminar Series and Grants Program, specifically around incorporating Indigenous content, issues, or perspectives into their courses.

All Fellows participate in regular ISTLD meetings, provide the ISTLD advice and perspectives on institutional directions and plans, and read and discuss teaching and learning scholarly literature with the ISTLD team. In addition, each Fellow negotiates with the ISTLD director a way to contribute to the work ISTLD does. Examples of such contributions have included: co-facilitating workshops, reviewing final reports, or offering faculty members advice on how to publish teaching and learning inquiry findings.