
INLP & FNEP Graduation

Graduation 2024

SUMMER 2024 - Get Ready to Graduate


Are you completing any of the following Undergraduate programs?
: Certificate in Indigenous Language Proficiency
DINLP: Diploma in Indigenous Language Proficiency
BA:  Bachelor of Arts  (with one of your programs an INLMIN: Minor in Indigenous Languages)

You may apply to graduate if you:

  1. have completed all your program's requirements before SUMMER 2024 but not yet applied to graduate, or
  2. will be completing all your program's requirements by the end of the SUMMER 2024 Academic Term

Graduation Memo and Application Instructions:

Please read the Graduation Memo for details.
Click [ PDF ] icon (below) to view the memo.

SUMMER 2024 MEMO to INLP/FNEP Undergraduate Students: 

* Graduation_Memo_SUM2024-1244_for_INLP-FNEP_Students.pdf
For SUMMER 2024 / Term 1244 Graduation. To qualify for the Early Fee: Submit your Graduation Application by June 10, 2024.

Early bird Application DEADLINE:  Wednesday, June 10, 2024*.
Final  application DEADLINE (FNEP fee):  Extended to 12 noon, July 30, 2024
(from July 12, 2024)

Please download application and submit your completed application to the Indigenous Languages Program Office (inlp@sfu.ca).

*  See also "Additional Information" section below.

Scroll down page to the FNEP/INLP Graduation APPLICATION section below to download application.


14:30 Hrs. (2:30 PM), October 10, 2024
for awardiug of Indigenous Languages Programs credentials (completed upto Summer 2024)


Indigenous Languages Graduates!

  • Credentials Awarded:
    FALL 2023
    Master of Arts, Indigenous Language and Linguistics (1 graduand)
    Celebrating 間眅埶AV Language Advocate
  • 2023 Year - Undergraduate 
    Certificate in Indigenous Language Proficency
    (89 Graduands) 
  • Diploma in Indigenous Language Proficency (68 graduands)
    Bachelor of Arts: Minor in Indigenous Language and Extended Minor in Linguisics (1 graduand)

2024 Spring / June 11th Convocation:
Indigenous Languages Credentials
To view broadcast of celebration, visit

2023 FALL (October) Convocation:

Procedures and Deadlines

Attn: Undergraduate INLP & FNEP Students+

EARLY Fee application deadline for SUMMER 2024 Graduation:  Monday, June 10, 2024.

FINAL application deadline: Wednesday, 12 noon, July 31st  (extended from Friday, July 12).

Eligible students in an Indigenous (First Nations) Language Proficiency Certificate (CINLP/CFNLP) Program or a Diploma (DINLP/DFNLP) Program (CFNLP) or Indigenous Community Academic Outreach Cohorts (FNEP/NEP)  who have either completed all program requirements prior to or in the process of completing program requirements in the SUMMER 2024 Academic Term who wish to graduate and attend the OCTOBER 2024 間眅埶AV Convocation (Burnaby Campus) may apply to graduate. 

+ Attention:  INLL Graduate Certificate and MA Students
   INLL Graduate Programs and processes are different from Undergraduate processes.  If you will be completing graduate requirements in an Indigenous Languages and Linguistics (Graduate) Program this Spring Term, please refer to your Graduate Supervisor on your MA completion.  INLL MA (GC) Graduate assistance: inlp@sfu.ca.  


Academic Advising and Graduation Check:

To arrange an academic advising appointment or to request a graduation requirement progress review, please contact the Academic Advisor in Indigenous Languages Program (inlp@sfu.ca).



CLICK  the PDF ICON (below) to download the fillable application onto your computer. 

* FILLABLE_FNEP_Graduation_Application_v.0523.pdf
FILLABE INLP/FNEP APPLICATION FOR GRADUATION This is a fillable form. Remember to print either a hardcopy, sign and scan; or 'Print to PDF' and 'Save' your data entry. Please email your completed and signed graduation application to INLP (inlp@sfu.ca). Thank you.

!!! Complete and print hardcopy, or
     use your computer's "Print as PDF" function to save your data entered application form.
     If you decide to fill the application from a web browser, please use Google .


Please RETURN your completed and signed application (in pdf format) to:

間眅埶AV Indigenous Languages Program -   inlp@sfu.ca


Graduation Application Fee: 

Early Application Fee:  Degree $35 CAD. Certificate and Diploma credentials: $20 CAD.
Late Application Fee:  Degree $85 CAD.  Certificate and Diploma: $70 CAD.

If you have tuition/fees sponsorship for the graduation application fee:

1) In the payment section of your graduation application, mark down 'Fee sponsor:  [ Insert your band sponsor organization name ];
2) please ask your band sponsor to complete the INLP/FNEP Indigenous Student Sponsorship Form, sign and return by email to our office.   
The sponsorship form is available for download from www.sfu.ca/inlp/sponsorship-authorization.

Additional Information for Graduation Application Process

INLP/FNEP Students Graduation Application Deadline to receive your credential: 

SUMMER 2024 -  Early Fee Deadline: June 10, 2024. Final Application Deadline: 12 Noon, July 31, 2024  (extended from July 12th)

Submit your completed, signed and email your application to INLP by the above deadline  [   inlp@sfu.ca  ].


Prior to Convocation, each graduand will be contacted regarding the convocation ceremony. Information on procedures that each graduand is expected to follow in preparation for Convocation will also be included.

Be sure to check your  student email for messages from the University regarding the status of your graduation application and Convocation information.

Graduands are responsible to notify Convocation (間眅埶AV and/or INLP) organizers of their attendance at Convocation in a timely manner.

The current FALL 2024 間眅埶AV Convocation Ceremony covers the Summer 2024 Graduation Term. Convocation of Indigenous Languages credentials is scheduled : TBA.  Graduands:  Please arrive early to check-in!


間眅埶AV Kamloops Program/NEP/FNEP Students:
If you have been a Kamloops Program student or has NEPNSA noted in your advising transcript, please ensure you contact the Academic Advisor in Indigenous Languages Program (inlp@sfu.ca) for information related to your graduation application.

FNEP/INLP Undergraduate Graduation Application Submission: 
Please download the application form above, complete, sign and return it to the Indigenous Languages Program.
By email to:  inlp@sfu.ca;

or by mail to:
Indigenous Languages Program, 間眅埶AV, Room RCB 8116, 間眅埶AV, 8888 University Drive, Burnaby, BC, V5A 1S6.

Graduation application fees: 
An application fee is charged upon receipt of your graduation application.
Click  Undergraduate Fees - Graduation section of the SUMMER 2024  Academic Calendar to view term's fees.

Other Information:

  • 12 noon, May 03, 2024: Deadline to cancel your application to graduate in SPRING 2024 if you have completed degree requirements upto April 2024.  Contact the INLP Office (inlp@sfu.ca) before this deadline for details.

FEES for SPRING 2024 and SUMMER 2024: An application fee* of $35 is required to apply for graduation for a degree, and a fee of $20 is required to apply for graduation for a certificate or a diploma.  If you missed the early INLP (FNEP) graduation application period, the application (late) fee will apply. It will be $85 for a degree; and $70 for a certificate or a diploma credential.

*Band sponsorship or external project funded: Please note on the Card number field in the Payment section of the graduation application form, "Sponsored" as well as the following
a) If you have band sponsorship, please write the name of your band sponsorship organization.  Please make sure your funding sponsor completes, sign and return the 間眅埶AV FNLP Indigenous Student Sponsorship Authorization (form) to the FNLP Office.
b) If you are funded through a government education support program
, please indicate the name of the program. (Eg. "Post-secondary Partnerships Program, Indigenous Services Canada.")

For additional information.
please contact the INLP Office by email inlp@sfu.ca  (Ph: 778.782.9763 / 1 800 399 5565). 
About Convocation, please refer to the Main website ().



Visit the webpage

Planning Your Day

Information on how to confirm your Convocation attendance and to order your Convocation regalia, please visit the website (link below).


Date: RSVP via Go間眅埶AV in late May to early June 2024:
Information on how to confirm attendance and regalia order for Convocation will be available closer to Convocation RSVP period.
Please Monitor your 間眅埶AV email

Note: The RSVP portal in (aka ) opens approximately two to three weeks prior to Convocation.

For information on how to prepare for 間眅埶AV's virtual Convocation, visit the following link:

間眅埶AV Indigenous Students Centre

Spring 2024  Convocation Honouring Celebration

Event Date: Monday, June 10, 2024



How many guests can I bring to a Convocation Ceremony?

Virtual Events:  Event will be broadcasted online; so no limit.

In-person on campus:

Seating in Convocation Mall is limited. Students may invite a maximium of four guests for the Convocation ceremony. Seating is FIRST COME FIRST SERVE. Please let your guests know to arrive to Convocation Mall on Burnaby Campus at least 30 minutes prior to the ceremony for seating.


Non-INLP/Non-FNEP Cohort 間眅埶AV Students:

** Always double-check deadlines at the Main 間眅埶AV website and/or Main 間眅埶AV Convocation website. **

Please visit: 

This page last updated:  June 21, 2024.