

Remove a member

Team owner(s) should remove members according to the team membership management process chosen when requesting a team.

The team membership management process chosen when requesting a team will always be the method for add/removing members. It is not possible to switch after the team has been created.

Note: Removing a member will not automatically remove any of the files they have uploaded to the team/channel. All files uploaded to a team/channel will be owned and managed by that team/channel until someone manually deletes the files. 

How to remove a member from a manually-managed team

Follow the instructions below if you have a manually-managed team (i.e., team owner(s) add/remove members via the "Manage Team" setting in MS Teams).

Step 1.  Prior to removing a team member, notify them and ensure that the document storage and retention policies in your faculty/department/unit are addressed.

Step 2. In MS Teams, go to a team you would like to remove members and select the "More options" icon.

Step 3. From the drop-down menu, select "Manage team".

Step 4. Under the "Members" tab, locate the member you would like to remove and click the "X" to the far right of the person. MS Teams will not send a notification to the member removed from your team.

How to remove a member from a maillist-managed team

Follow the instructions below if you have a maillist-managed team (i.e., team owner(s) add/remove members via ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Maillist). 

Step 1. Prior to removing a team member, notify them and ensure that the document storage and retention policies in your faculty/department/unit are addressed.

Step 2. Go the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Maillist at .

Step 3. Remove the person from the maillist that syncs to your team.

Individuals removed from the maillist will be automatically synced and removed from your team within 2 hours. MS Teams will not send a notification to the member removed from your team.