
Chief Dr. Ron Ignace speaking with Secwepemc Elders via Zoom

Translation of COVID phrases in Secwepemctsin

June 09, 2020

By Dr. Marianne Ignace 

The following phrases relating to the COVID-19 epidemic and how we traditionally and in the present should look after one another were prepared by the following Secwepemc Elders on June 2, 2020. We took inspiration from a number of phrases that First Peoples Cultural Council sent around with a request for translation. The following Elders worked together to do this:

  • Daniel Calhoun and Leona Calhoun (Skeetchestn)
  • Christine Simon (Skeetchestn)
  • Mona Jules (Skeetchestn and Simpcw)
  • Marianne Ignace and Ron Ignace (Skeetchestn)
  • Charli Fortier (Simpcw) also helped us out


We connected via video-link, the Elders each having help from a family member in their households, and projected the phrases sent by FPCC, and then everyone chimed in, speaking Secwepemctsin and thinking of how we would say this, coming to agreement and knucwentwecw (helping each other). Marianne Ignace was the scribe writing out the sentences on the video-conference (zoom) whiteboard as they watched, suggested, corrected and fine-tuned the sentences.

This was a historic moment in our Secwepemctsin documentation work, since we were able to connect via video link on the iPad tablets that Skeetchestn Indian band and 間眅埶AV kindly had purchased for the Elders. We also thank FPCC and the BC Languages Initiative grant for helping to enable the Elders work.

  1. Taking care of one another. Me7 yecwmentwecw-kt.
  2. Taking care of ourselves. Me7 yecwmenstsut-kt, kwemtus yeri7 re syecwmenstsut-kt.
  3. Cleaning our workplaces, homes. tikwemtus me7 sctsewellcw-kt ne c7elksten-kt ell ne tsetsitcw-kt! 
  4. Social distancing or staying apart. Ta7 me7 smimeyentwecw-kt.
  5. Small gatherings. Ta7 put k scwete7uys tek qelmucw me7 melkwilc-et. Ta7 me7 stewenmentwecw-kt pyin.
  6. Protecting our Elders or knowledge keepers from sicknes. Me7 yecwemintem re stetex7em-kt es ta7s es k7eps.
  7. A time of illness. Tsqentem re qelmucw te ticwell te xexe7 te sk7ep.
  8. Washing our hands. Ta7 me7 sllepentem es  tsewkstem-kt tikwemtus. Ta7 us k sllepentp re tsewsten m-tsewkstemep. Me7 xwusentp re kelkelc-emp.
  9. Connecting with people so we dont feel alone. Me7 wektwecw-kt ne ctsemqinten, ell me7 qwel7eyentwecw-kt ne cqweltelkweten es ta7s es cmup-kt (literally: Lets see one another on our computing devices, and lets talk by phone so we will not be lonely).
  10. Be safe, be calm, be kind. Me7 yecwestsut-kp, me7 qemqem-kt, me7 le7stwecw-kt!

Additional phrases, as suggested:

  1. Ta7us k stsgeyus-kp, (stspiyus = ready to cry) me7 kwemtuses ke7 sqwits.s. Dont be angry-faced, always have a smile!
  2. Ta7 us ke7 smimuytsnem. Dont yourself cry in other words, put a brave face on it.
  3. Tsuntels es yecwmenstwecw-kt es ta7s es k7ep-kt nek sllwelsten. We need to look after one another so we will not get sick this fall!