
Monthly digest

Charlie Barber, Dimitri Nakassis, Harris Mylonas, and so much more!

March 03, 2020

We are now at the halfway mark of the semester and with spring just around the corner, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV is abuzz with midterms! The month of March also brings with it the arrival of important international scholars to the SNF Centre for Hellenic Studies to present their latest research on Greece, from Bronze Age Minoans to Andreas Papandreou!

Upcoming events

March 6, 2020: â€œTime Foreseen: The interweaving of history and oracles in the Chronographia of Georgios Klontzas" by Charlie Barber

Dr. Charlie Barber, from Princeton University, will be joining us on Friday, March 6th at 2:30pm in AQ6229 to share his research on Georgios Klontzas, one of the leading artists of 16th century Venetian Crete. Find us at Club Ilia following the event for complimentary refreshments.

March 13, 2020: "Map is Not Territory: Rethinking the Archaeology of the Aegean Bronze Age" by Dimitri Nakassis

Our second to last seminar of the semester will take place on Friday, March 13th at 2:30pm in AQ6229 and feature Dr. Dimitri Nakassis from the University of Colorado Boulder. Dr. Nakassis will challenge widely used archaeological abstractions such as ‘Mycenean’ and ‘Minoan’ and suggest new ways of thinking about Late Bronze Age communities and their history.

March 19, 2020: â€œCharismatic leadership and its discontents: the case of Greece" featuring Harris Mylonas for the fourth annual Edward and Emily McWhinney memorial lecture

We’re excited to be welcoming, Dr. Harris Mylonas, associate professor of political science and international affairs at George Washington University's Elliott School of International Affairs as this year’s speaker. Be sure to join us on Thursday, March 19th, at 7PM at the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Segal Building where Dr. Mylonas will explore the lasting legacies of two former Greek political leaders, Constantine Karamanlis and Andreas Papandreou, on Greece's party system during the economic crisis. Be sure to register early as tickets are free but seating is limited. .

March 20, 2020: Free screening and discussion of Harris Mylonas' documentary "Searching for Andreas: Political Leadership in Times of Crisis"

If this year's McWhinney lecture topic excites you as much as it does us, there will be a graduate seminar with Dr. Harris Mylonas on Friday, March 20th at 2:30PM in room AQ 6229 on ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV's Burnaby campus. Hosted in collaboration with the Department of Political Science and the Edward McWhinney Professor in International Relations, Dr. James Horncastle. 

Rebooting the Greek Language project team celebrates international day of the Greek language with app release and visit to Athens

Every February, communities around the globe celebrate the international day of the Greek language on February 9th. This year our Rebooting the Greek Language project team celebrated by releasing the first in a series of new language learning apps for young learners, from preschool to late elementary.

The Rebooting team ended the month with a visit to the Megaron Concert Hall in Athens to participate in a Greek language event on February 22nd hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ General Secretariat for Greeks Abroad. The event featured speeches, an awards ceremony, and a roundtable discussion on online versus in-person language education. Read more about the event here.

Volume seven of our annual publication, the Agora, hits newsstands! 

The latest issue of the Agora is out now! Read all about the activities of the SNF Centre for Hellenic Studies over the course of the past year, including new research by our faculty, progress on the Rebooting the Greek Language project, an innovative XR exhibit at the Museum of Vancouver, and so much more! Download Agora Volume 7 now.

Don’t miss out!

There's still more to come in 2020, with more events and initiatives planned that we can’t wait to share with you. Keep an eye on our newsroom for the latest and be sure to follow us on social media or subscribe to our email list so you never miss an update!

For more information about the SNF Centre for Hellenic Studies and its programs, please visit our Media page.