

Well-being Through the Supervisory Process: A Guide to Action

This guide was developed through a collaborative process, which included staff, faculty supervisors and graduate students. It is a part of the Student Experience Initiatives Supervision for the 21st Century and Healthier Campus Communities Key Action Areas, led by Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies and 間眅埶AV Health Promotion, Health and Counselling.

The Well-being through the Supervisory Process: A Faculty Guide to Action provides a framework to consider how the supervisory process impacts the physical, mental, and social well-being of graduate students. Intended for faculty members who are new to the supervisory process, or those who may be looking to refresh their practice, this guide focuses on 7 conditions informed by research, best practice, 間眅埶AV faculty champions, and graduate students. Supervisor profiles and quotes highlight practical examples of how they foster well-being in the learning environment.

The Well-being through the Supervisory Process: Graduate Student Guide for Action provides 5 conditions for optimizing this important and unique learning experience with faculty members to support satisfaction, resilience, and success. This resource is intended to support students in advocating for their needs within the supervisory process and understanding availble campus resources. Input and feedback were collected from the Graduate Student Society and faculty specific Caucuses