

¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Health Science Student’s Experience in ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Global Asia:

What influenced you to take GA courses? How did you hear about them or what made you want to take them?

I had heard of GA 101 because when I was planning a previous semester and was looking for electives I saw it when it was under the Global Asia title and it appealed to me.  I always thought it’d be interesting to actually learn about non-Western cultures and understand more of their history.

Living in a city with such a large Asian community, I thought it was especially important to be educated and learn how to prevent ignorance.  Additionally, I wasn’t going to be taking it alone, my friend was also going to be taking the class so we thought it’d be fun!

Is there anything about GA that stands out compared to other courses you have taken at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV? What feels unique about them?

One thing that stood out was the smaller class size and the way it was conducted. I really enjoyed that aspect of it. It kept me accountable and I found I thrive in smaller classes.  Also, the fact that it felt like your voice and opinions were genuinely welcomed and mattered was unique.  One last aspect I especially enjoyed was the variety of guest lectures, it kept everything fresh and exciting and welcomed new perspectives.

Can you describe a memorable experience from one of your GA courses?

I really appreciated the guest lecture about queer Asian culture and the history about queer identities in Asia.  I actually had the guest lecturer as a prof the previous year for an elective I took in ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV GSWS [Gender Sexuality and Women’s Studies] and I absolutely loved her teaching style, she was extremely engaging.

However, more so what left an impression on me was the similarities I could draw between my own Latino culture and the Asian culture and queer people’s experiences within them.  It was really cool how she presented us with these facts and movements in diverse media formats which honestly left me feeling extremely empowered and moved.

Does GA fit in with your major? Why do you believe GA is worth taking?

As a Health Science major, it’s important to understand and explore the different social determinants of health.  It’s now more widely known and brought to the forefront that different groups of people experience these social determinants differently.  Therefore, I believe that GA coincides with educating people on the experiences and history of Asian people and certain struggles they face. I do think it would be beneficial for people in my major to take GA courses.