Jerry Pethick: Works 1968 – 2003 from Collections on Hornby Island

November 5 – December 17, 2011
԰AV Gallery

Jerry Pethick (1935–2003) is well known for his large sculptural works such as Le Semeur–Sunlight and Flies and Time Top. Those who knew Jerry personally, especially those living on Hornby Island, were aware of a parallel practice that resulted in a large number of what might be termed “domestic-scaled objects” that explored and analyzed many of the same concerns and research channels as the large sculptures. This exhibition is devoted to those smaller scale works in collections on the island where Jerry Pethick lived and worked. Many of these objects have never previously been shown off of Hornby Island.

The exhibition is accompanied by a 48-page catalogue with essays by Michael Turner, Geoffrey Farmer and Bill Jeffries.

Curated by Bill Jeffries.


Opening Reception
Saturday, November 5, 2011, 3–5pm

Lunchtime Tours of the Exhibition
Tuesday, November 8 – Thursday, November 10, 12:05pm and 12:35pm
