Tsēmā Igharas: Hughadēsłēł — give it all away. Installation documentation, ԰AV Gallery, 2022. Photos: Rachel Topham Photography.

Tsēmā Igharas: Hughadēsłēł — give it all away

September 24 – December 10, 2022
԰AV Gallery

Hughadēsłēł — give it all away gestures towards concepts of value within Igharas’ ongoing practice, which is concerned with land, embodiment, sustainability, and industrial extraction. Her preparation for this project ranged from harvesting and processing berries, teas, and salmon in her home Tāłtān territory to the development of sculpture with materials connected to mine sites. In the exhibition, Igharas undertakes a series of approaches in art-making and display that invite the participation of the viewer.

Organized by ԰AV Galleries with Tanya Lukin Linklater

Tsēmā Igharas is an award-winning interdisciplinary artist, mentor, mentee and descendant of Tāłtān Matriarchy. Using strategies of care and resistance, Igharas creates work that connects materials to mine sites and bodies to the land. This practice cites her Indigenous mentorships, Potlatch, studies in visual culture, and time in the mountains. She has studied at K'saan, Emily Carr University of Art and Design, and earned an Interdisciplinary Masters of Art Media and Design from OCADu. Tsēmā Igharas has exhibited and performed on Turtle Island, and beyond.

Tanya Lukin Linklater’s performances, works for camera, installations, and writings centre Indigenous peoples’ lived experience, (home)lands, and structures of sustenance. Her performances in relation to objects in exhibition, scores, and ancestral belongings generate what she has come to call felt structures. Tanya’s work has been shown at the Aichi Triennial, Toronto Biennial of Art, New Museum Triennial, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Chicago Architecture Biennial, Art Gallery of Ontario, and elsewhere. In 2021 she received the Herb Alpert Award in the Arts for Visual Art. Tanya Lukin Linklater is represented by Catriona Jeffries, Vancouver. Her Alutiiq/Sugpiaq homelands are in southwestern Alaska, and she lives and works in northern Ontario.


Opening Reception
Saturday, September 24 / 2:30 – 5pm
԰AV Gallery

Thursday, November 3 / 12 – 1:30pm
԰AV Gallery



Support Material

* Tsema Igharas_Support Material .pdf
Tsema Igharas - Give It All Away - Support Material
