
PRESS: News About 間眅埶AV Galleries

December 3, 2015

It has been a busy fall for 間眅埶AV Galleries with Alex Morrison: Phantoms of a Utopian Will / Like Most Follies, More Than a Joke and More Than a Whim and Lili Reynaud-Dewar: My Epidemic (Teaching Bjarne Melgaards Class), among our other public programming events. 

Here is just a few press pieces that we received in the past few months. 

Image: Samuel Roy-Bois "Not a new world, just an old trick" installation view, 間眅埶AV Gallery, 2013. Photo: Blaine Campbell.

Image: Alex Morrison Phantoms of a Utopian Will / Like Most Follies, More Than a Joke and More Than a Whim installation view, 間眅埶AV Gallery, 2015. Photo: Blaine Campbell.


Image: Antonia Hirsch, Negative Space (installation view), 2015. Image curtesy Gallery TPW. Photo: Toni Hafkenscheid. 

Image: Lili Reynaud-Dewar, My Epidemic (Teaching Bjarne Melgaards Class) installation views at Audain Gallery, Vancouver, 2015. Courtesy: the artist and Audain Gallery, Vancouver. Photo: Blaine Campbell.

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