

Dr. Niet teaches modelling at the 2nd Indonesia CLEWs training workshop and the 2nd Ethiopia CLEWS training workshops

February 15, 2020

Dr. Niet travelled to Ethiopia and Indonesia in late January/early February to present at two CLEWs training workshops with the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA).  At the Ethiopia CLEWs training workshop held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from January 27-31, 2020, Dr. Niet worked with participants to develop and evaluate energy future scenarios for Ethiopia using a CLEWs model developed for the workshop.  At the Indonesia CLEWs workshop (see image) held in Bandung, Indonesia from Feb 8 - 12, 2020 Dr. Niet worked with participants to expand their CLEWs modelling knowledge.  The workshop started with a review of the previous material and an overview of the Indonesia CLEWs model developed for the workshop.  Participants used this model to perform scenario analysis of different climate and energy interventions for Indonesia.