

A research trip summary to the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden

April 27, 2023

Delta E+ member Trevor recently completed a research trip to the  in Stockholm, Sweden. The project, sponsored through the , had Trevor join the KTH  to complete research relating to global sensitivity analysis within the context of energy system optimization models.

Under the supervision of Associate Professor , Trevor contributed to the paper Global Sensitivity Analysis to Enhance the Transparency of Rigour of Energy System Optimisation Modeling (the open access article can be viewed ). Global sensitivity analysis is a technique to manage uncertainty in models, and the article describes guidelines on how to conduct a global sensitivity analysis of an energy system model. Implementing global sensitivity analysis in energy models allows researchers to focus their effort on better understanding uncertain parameters, increasing the robustness of their work, and increasing confidence in the models and their results.

Trevor had an absolute blast on his research trip. Notable highlights of his trip include sailing in the archipelago near Stockholm, meeting new people both inside and outside the world of energy system research, trying Swedish meatballs, taking a weekend trip to London, hiking and kayaking in and around Stockholm, and much more!

Participant: Trevor