

Δ·¡+ releases modelling results on the ability of Power to Gas technologies to contribute to grid flexibility

March 19, 2021

Sina Motalebi, along with co-authors Trevor Barnes, Sammy Kaspar, Dr. Andrew S. Wright and Dr. Taco Niet released an Energy Modelling Initiative funded public report on the ability of hydrogen and power to gas (P2G) technologies to provide flexibility to the Canadian electricity system.

As the transition to low carbon energy sources accelerates there is renewed interest in using hydrogen to capture and store variable renewable energy for future use.  Using an electricity system model of Canada, the team considered the potential of P2G technologies to contribute to flexibility services in the Canadian system.  Although there were some situations where P2G was deployed, especially in later years, the flexibility of existing hydro generation assets had a large influence on the need for/deployment of P2G.  Policymakers need to carefully consider the value that legacy hydro generation facilities provide to the electricity system when making future policy decisions to ensure that society benefits from this flexibility.

Full report