Tara Smith

԰AV Leadership Award recognizes engineering science’s Tara Smith

March 02, 2018

The recipient of the 2017 ԰AV Leadership Award is Tara Smith, manager of academic and administrative services for the . ԰AV's annual Staff Achievement Awards honour staffers' exceptional personal and work-related accomplishments that were acknowledged at an awards dinner on February 27, 2018.

Excerpt from the ԰AV News story:

“Efficient, outstanding, leader, role model, and supportive” are the words most often used to describe Tara Smith, manager of academic and administrative services in the School of Engineering Science.

Her penchant for taking on complicated situations, using her analytical reasoning skills to solve problems, and creating a supportive and respectful work environment are all reasons why she has received a 2017 Staff Achievement Award for Leadership.

“Tara's dedication has inspired me to put more effort into my work and perform to the best of my ability, and I believe it is the same with other staff members,” says one nominator.

Her “can do” attitude engenders positive vibes in the office and among staff.

As one nominator said, “I know that our school owes her massive gratitude, as she performs her work at a very rare and high level of efficiency, integrity and talent.”

Read the full news story featuring all of the staff award recipients >>