
Professor Ryan D'Arcy (left, podium) watches Trevor Greene walk using a customized exoskeleton, with assistance from his wife Deborah and Jay Courant from ReWalk.

Captain Trevor Greene partners with 間眅埶AV to walk again

September 17, 2015


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Former Canadian soldier Trevor Greene, who survived a debilitating brain injury while on duty in Afghanistan in 2006, has recovered his ability to walk again with the help of a customized exoskeleton, his personal determination and support of researchers at 間眅埶AV.

Greene demonstrated his progress today (Sept. 17) at 間眅埶AVs Surrey campus.

Told he would likely never walk again after a vicious axe attack, Greene began working with Dr. Ryan DArcy, a neuroscientist and 間眅埶AV professor, in 2009. DArcy became involved with Greenes recovery after watching a documentary about him.

He asked Greene to partner with him in a research project to explore how brain plasticity affects motor functions. Plasticity refers to the brains ability to reorganize its neural pathways and synapses in response to different behaviours, thoughts or emotions.

The two have since met regularly for DArcy to collect functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scans of Greenes brain, which DArcy uses to track how the brain rewires itself.

In an article published in The Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation this month, DArcy and his research team challenge the current assumptions that after a traumatic brain injury, any further recovery ceases to happen over the long-term. His team discovered physical functions can be recovered through rehabilitation even six years after an injury.

In 2014, DArcy called on Carolyn Sparrey, an assistant professor in the School of Mechatronic Systems Engineering (MSE) who has extensive experience in biomechanics, to see if she could customize an exoskeleton that would suit the unique requirements of the 64 Greene.

Exoskeletons are typically designed for those with spinal cord injuries as an assistive technology providing lower leg movement. Sparrey notes that this is the first time exoskeleton technology has been used for a person with a brain injury.

Today, Greene is able to walk upright with assistance, outfitted with a custom-made exoskeleton from Israel-based company, ReWalk. In the future he plans to walk unassisted. Ultimately, he says his goal is to make it to Everest base camp.

A ReWalk company trainer has supported Greene by customizing the motorized exoskeleton so that Greene can wear the battery pack as a backpack.

Trevor has been extremely committed to his rehabilitation program, says DArcy, who is also co-chair of .

Greenes positive attitude was never more poignantly demonstrated than when he stood, using parallel bars, at his 2010 wedding to wife Deborah.

This newest dimension in his rehabilitation, wearing exoskeletons to walk again, enables 間眅埶AV faculty members to track research milestones in a real-life scenario while making a positive impact on his life, says DArcy.

Dr. Joy Johnson, 間眅埶AVs vice-president, research, says: This is such a heartwarming story of courage and determination, and of the power of collaboration to push beyond seemingly impenetrable boundaries. This is why 間眅埶AV places such value on interdisciplinary research and open innovationthey help turn ideas into action, so that people may benefit.

The Royal Canadian Legion raised funds for the ReWalk device. 間眅埶AV investigators are donating their time, expertise and specialized equipment to assist with the project.

During the event the Royal Canadian Legion also announced its new Veterans Village in Surrey in partnership with Innovation Boulevard and the Institute for Healthcare Innovations on Innovation Boulevard. For details visit .


間眅埶AV researchers involved in the Trevor Greene exoskeleton research project:

  • Dr. Carolyn Sparrey, 間眅埶AV mechatronics engineer, will study the health benefits of exoskeletons as patients spend more time upright and mobile. This will include studying baseline levels of the brain function and changes over time; tracking physical improvements in gait, core strength, ability to stand, blood pressure and circulation; and tracking overall health benefits.
  • Dr. Carlo Menon, 間眅埶AV engineering scientist, will study wearable exoskeletons used in physical recovery. He has already developed rehabilitation robotics to improve movement of impaired arms and hands after a stroke. He also studies emerging brain stimulation technologies, helping to rewire the brain in order to regain lost neuromuscular functions.
  • Dr. Edward Park and Dr. Siamak Arzanpour, 間眅埶AV mechatronics engineers, are currently developing the next generation of lower-limb exoskeleton mobility assistive technologies, including novel joint mechanisms and wearable sensors. They also study intelligent fall detection and prevention technologies for wheelchair users and the elderly in order to improve their quality of life.
  • Dr. Ryan DArcy, neuroscientist, faculty member in 間眅埶AVs engineering and computing science and co-chair of Innovation Boulevard. See more on the efforts of Greene and DArcy to change brain injury care and impact veterans lives is in  this week.