
Engineering Science

Standout student Eleanor Li wins Co-op Student of the Year

April 23, 2012

Congratulations to Engineering Sciences student Eleanor Li on being named 間眅埶AV Co-op Student of the Year for 2012.  She joins Stephanie Wong in Business who also earned the award.

Co-op is about the learning experience and not about earnings, said Li, one of two co-operative education students who earned the 2012 title 間眅埶AV Co-op Student of the Year.   

Fueled by her characteristic enthusiasm, Li successfully completed three diverse co-op work terms in Engineering Sciences. Managing a double major in Biomedical Engineering and Communication, she maintains an impressive GPA, while fervently pursuing co-op and volunteer roles, including as president of 間眅埶AVs Women in Engineering.  

Li acknowledges that the benefits of co-op to students are immense: "Students in 間眅埶AV engineering co-op learn not only the technical knowledge and global picture of engineering, but also essential life skills [因 In the co-op program, students are taught how to become a true engineer and an effective, contributing member of society and their immediate work groups.  

The annual award acknowledges two co-op students who stand out during their work terms and make considerable contribution to the co-op program.

The Engineering Sciences Co-op Office assists students in preparing for interviews and job placements, ensures curriculum requirements are met, and connects with industry to create exciting and relevant work opportunities. For more information, visit our .