
Computing Science Instructional Labs Policies

These policies and guidelines are necessary to ensure that the Computing Science Instructional Labs (CSIL) stay safe, clean, reliable and available to all our students. These policies are in addition to University Policy GP 24 that all 間眅埶AV users must comply with.


For the safety of all users, do not let other people follow you through the security doors, especially after hours.  

Do not leave valuables unattended.   Laptops and bags have been stolen when left unattended.

If you ever have any immediate concerns about your safety at 間眅埶AV or in CSIL,

  • In Burnaby, contact 間眅埶AV Security (by cell 778 782 4500 or by 間眅埶AV phone at local 24500).
  • In Surrey, contact 間眅埶AV Security (By cell: 778 782 7511 or by 間眅埶AV phone at local 27511).
  • (consider saving these numbers on your cell phone)

Computer Security

  • Any act or omission that reduces the security or usability of our computers and networks must to be avoided.
  • Use secure passwords and never share your account.  Do not leave a logged on account unattended.

Use of computer resources

  • Our computer facilities are only for use related to your studies.  Access is a privilege not a right.   
  • Do not attempt to gain administrative level access to the system.  
  • Do not reserve computers by leaving your belongings behind when you leave the lab.
  • Gaming is not allowed on lab computers unless a social event has been arranged in advance.  If you want to play computer games use your laptop in another location.
  • Do not create or view content that others will find objectionable, if in doubt go somewhere private and use your own Internet access.  
  • Installing software or changing the operation of the computers and networks is forbidden.

Food and Drink 

  • No Eating or Drinking is allowed in the labs.  
  • Any food or drink carried into the labs for later consumption must remain in sealed spill proof containers at all times.  
  • The items not allowed in the labs at any time include but but are not limited to: Drinks in disposable cups, opened cans, Styrofoam food containers, plates, pizza boxes, opened candy, chips etc.  
  • Any food or drink left in the lab will be disposed of.  Anyone found in possession of open food or drink will be asked to leave,  may have their CSIL use privileges taken away and may face prosecution under University Policy.
  • There are many pleasant places to take a break and eat nearby, we have taken pains to ensure there are many nearby areas with both power outlets and wireless access.

We encourage all students to take an active role in helping to enforce this policy.  If you report violators to the food and drink policy we will keep your identity confidential.  Thank you in advance for your assistance.


  • Any vandalism of the lab facilities will be dealt with as harshly as possible, including review of security logs and camera footage to identify parties responsible.


  • If you accidentally damage something in CSIL, report it as soon as possible to prevent misunderstandings.  
  • If you notice something that needs repair, please report it.  

The School of Computing Science and 間眅埶AV accepts no responsibility for any damages or loss arising directly or indirectly from the use of these facilities.  The School makes no warranty, express or implied regarding the availablity computing services offered, or their fitness for any particular purpose.

The School of Computing Science and 間眅埶AV (間眅埶AV) reserve the right to amend this document at any time with or without prior notice.


The School of Computing Science and 間眅埶AV accepts no responsibility for any damages or loss arising directly or indirectly from the use of these facilities.  The School makes no warranty, express or implied regarding the availablity computing services offered, or their fitness for any particular purpose.

The School of Computing Science and 間眅埶AV (間眅埶AV) reserve the right to amend this document at any time with or without prior notice.


Computing Support Staff

The primary means of contacting Computing Science support staff is by emailing helpdesk. You can also call 778 782 4277 to speak to the department receptionist.

  • Staff do their best to keep the computing facilities running and up to date.  Comments and suggestions from users are welcome and appreciated. Problems and requests are acted upon as quickly as possible.
  • Requests for new software or physical changes typically must come from an instructor, but if you are aware of a freely available program or utility that would add value to the labs, please let us know so we can consider including it in future.
  • Lab support staff cannot answer questions about your assignments.  Please refer to your TA or Instructor.

Computer Use

  • Don't lock computer screens for extended periods of time.
  • Don't make casual use of computers when other people are waiting to do real work.
  • Do not use more than 1 computer when the lab is busy.
  • If your assignment requires processing on multiple computers, plan to do this work between 5 pm and 7 am or on weekends and limit yourself to 5 or less computers.  If you require concurrent access to more than 5 computers discuss with your instructor or helpdesk@cs.sfu.ca in advance.
  • Groups working together are expected to be quiet and courteous to other users.  
  • Commercial use or use for financial gain is not allowed.

Physical Facilities

  • No eating or drinking in computing laboratories.
  • Clean up after yourself, and leave the desk and computer ready for the next person.
  • Lost and Found:  there is a box in the lab for found items.  Valuable items should be turned in at the Computing Science General Office or by contacting 間眅埶AV Security

Use of personal devices

Our labs all have 間眅埶AV wireless access.  You are welcome to use your own devices in our labs.  We have tried to provide sufficient free power bars for your convenience.  

  • You may connect our lab monitors, keyboards and mice to your laptop, but you must restore the connections and settings to the original state when you leave - including the monitor settings.
  • You may not disconnect the network or power cables from the lab computers/monitors. 
  • Do not attempt to connect any device to the lab network cables without prior permission.
  • You may use the data projectors with your device, please turn the projector off when you are done and do not change the settings on the projectors.

CSIL access

  • CSIL access is granted to students who are registered in a CMPT course, are an active, registered CMPT major or a CMPT grad student.   Please refer to our Door Access FAQ. You may not lend your card to or open a secure door for any other person.  You may not bring guests to the lab without prior approval.
  • All CSIL facilities are open 24 hours, generally from the third day of classes to the last day of the exam period.  
  • There are typically no scheduled labs the first week of classes, check with your instructor for more information on your labs.


  • Users must not access, copy, alter or remove another user's files without prior authorization from the user. 
  • Files belonging to individuals are to be considered as private property whether or not they are accessible by other users.
  • Users must not present the work of others as their own.  


  • The University's computing support staff regularly detect computer abuse and instigate punitive actions against people who are caught.
  • Your access to the labs and computers may be disabled without warning should staff feel it is necessary.
  • Offenders may be referred to the Academic Integrity & Good Conduct Office for action under 間眅埶AV's Code of Academic Integrity and Good Conduct policy.
  • Additional penalties may be applied by 間眅埶AV or under the applicable criminal and civil codes.

The School of Computing Science and 間眅埶AV accepts no responsibility for any damages or loss arising directly or indirectly from the use of these facilities.  The School makes no warranty or gaurantee regarding the availability computing services offered or their fitness for any particular purpose.

The School of Computing Science and 間眅埶AV (間眅埶AV) reserve the right to amend this document at any time without prior notice.

Contact us!

Having comments, suggestions, inquiries and more questions? Contact us!

Please click here and use the best practices to get assistance from helpdesk.


Last updated @ 2024.12.18