
Parvaneh Saeedi

Professor, School of Engineering Science
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Chair



NSERC University Faculty Award, 2007
Ph.D., University of British Columbia
M.Sc., University of British Columbia
B.Sc., Iran University of Science and Technology

Research interests

  • Computer vision
  • Machine learning in computer vision
  • Motion/trajectory tracking
  • Object recognition using vision
  • Structure from motion
  • Automatic 3D map generation

Teaching interests


Tel: 778.782.4746
Email: psaeedi@sfu.ca
Office: Burnaby Campus, ASB10837
Personal webpage:

Recently taught courses

  • ENSC 304 Human Factors and Usability Engineering
  • ENSC 383 Feedback Control Systems
  • ENSC 474 Biomedical Signal and Image Processing
  • ENSC 895 Special Topics III

Selected recent publications

  • Singh, A.; Au J.; Saeedi, P.; and Havelock J., Automatic Segmentation of Trophectoderm in Microscopic Images of Human Blastocysts, Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 62, no. 1, pp. 382-392, Jan.  2015.
  •  Cote, M.; Saeedi, P., Hierarchical image segmentation using a combined geometrical and feature based approach, Journal of Data Analysis and Information Processing, vol. 2, no.4, pp117-136, Nov. 2014.
  • Saeedi, P.; Mao, M., Two-Edge-Corner Image Features for Registration of Geospatial Images with Large View Variations, International Journal of Geosciences, vol 5, pp: 1324-1344, Oct. 2014.
  • Cote, M.; Saeedi, P., Automatic Rooftop Extraction in Nadir Aerial Imagery of Suburban Regions Using Corners and Variational Level Set Evolution, Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on , vol.51, no.1, pp.313-328, Jan. 2013.