
Andrew Rawicz

Professor, School of Engineering Science


Ph.D., Relative Physics, Gliwice, Poland, 1980

M.Sc., Physics, Krakow, Poland 1973


Research interests

  • Reliability physics and engineering, particularly strongly correlated functions
  • Optical device engineering
  • Biomedical engineering
  • Medical diagnostic devices
  • Rehabilitation and assistive device engineering, independent living systems

Teaching interests

  • Engineering projects
  • Biomedical engineering
  • Reliability prediction and design


間眅埶AV Burnaby, ASB 8849
Personal webpage:

Recently taught courses

  • Capstone Engineering project (ENSC 440)
  • Biomedical engineering seminar (ENSC 370)

Selected recent publications

  • A. Ostadfar, A. H. Rawicz,  Pore Design and Hydrodynamic Optimization of Glomerular Membrane in Implantable Artificial Kidney, accepted to Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, printing June 2011
  • S. S. Liu, A. Rawicz, S. Rezaei, An Eye-Gaze Tracking and Human Computer Interface System for People with ALS and Other Locked-In Diseases, Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, May 2011.
  • E. Kwok, A. H. Rawicz, Engineering for Medicine, Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, May 2011.
  • A. H. Rawicz, Why the first laser worked as designed (and is still   kicking today), Journal of the European Optical Society, Vol 5 (2010).
  • A. H. Rawicz, Theodore Maiman in Vancouver, Physics in Canada, volume 66, Issue 4, October-December 2010.