
Course Waivers & Grade Requests

Time Conflict Request

Students must submit this . Indicate which two courses are in conflict as well as your plan for how you intend to keep up with the work in both courses. This form will be sent to the instructors of both courses and both instructors have to approve the request. If your request is considered viable, you will be sent an agreement asking you to take full responsibility for the impact of the overlap. Instructors are unlikely to move tests/exams as a result of time conflicts.

You will be notified via email of the outcome of your request.

ENSC UG Co-op Appeal 

Students must submit this . If you are requesting to take a course while on co-op, you need to attach written approval from your company supervisor. This form will be sent to the course instructor. If your request is considered viable, you will be sent an agreement asking you to take full responsibility for the impact of the overlap. Instructors are unlikely to move tests/exams as a result of time conflicts. We discourage ENSC students from taking an academic course while on Co-op unless it is a pre-requisite for a course you plan to take once you have completed the Co-op work term. If you do decide to take a course during your Co-op work term, no more than ONE course is allowed.

You will be notified via email of the outcome of your request.

Course Prerequisite Waiver

The UCC adheres to a strict policy, requiring all prerequisite courses to be successfully completed (minimum grade of C-) in advance of the subsequent course, unless it is listed as a co-requisite. The one exception being if the student has obtained the knowledge of the prerequisite course in a formal setting (for example, a course taken elsewhere, or during a co-op placement). In such instances, strong evidence must be submitted along with the appeal for formal evaluation. Pre-requisite waivers will not be considered where students have no formal background in the course material.  

Student must complete this , and submit it to the Undergraduate Program Assistant, for the consideration of both the course instructor and the UCC Chair. UCC approval must be obtained prior to registration. The Undergraduate Program Assistant will notify you of the decision by email and, if approved, will enroll you.  

NOTE: Enrollment, with the use of an approved waiver, is still subject to course availability,  enrollment appointment times and reserves.

Course Substitutions/Waiver

Students must submit this . For course substitutions/waivers, attach course outline, detailed course syllabus including the number of credits the course provided, the grade obtained and the date the course was completed that you believe is a suitable substitute for the 間眅埶AV course requirement. Appeals cannot be combined for multiple courses (e.g. if requesting waivers for two courses, two separate forms must be submitted).

You will be notified via email of the outcome of your request.

Course Duplication Appeal Form

Students wishing to repeat a course, either third attempt, or a repeat in excess of five, must complete and submit this online

Grade Deferral

Students wishing to defer a final grade in their course must contact their instructor, no later than 24 hours after the final exam, and request that the instructor fill out a Change of Grade form. The completed form, once signed by the instructor, should be given to the Undergraduate Program Assistant.