
Refereed Books and Chapters

Refereed Books

Dharamshi, P. (2020). Advancing Equity and Social Justice in Teacher Education: Transformative Practices and Pedagogies of Literacy (Literacies as Resistance series). New York, NY: DIO Press.

Chapters in Refereed Edited Books

Dharamshi, P., Menna, L., & Kosnik, C. (in press). Exploring the Complexity of Embedding Social Justice into a Pedagogy of Literacy Teacher Education. Butler, B.M., & Bullock S.M. (Eds.) Understanding a Pedagogy of Teacher Education: Contexts for Teaching and Learning About Your Educational Practice. (pp. 437-446). New York, NY: Routledge.

Kosnik, C., Menna, L., & Dharamshi, P., (2022). A lifetime of experience: A study on the lives of teacher educators. In R. Tierney, F. Rizvi, G. Smith & K. Ercikan (Eds.), Fourth edition of the International Encyclopedia of Education (4th Ed.). Oxford, UK: Elsevier.

Dharamshi, P., Johnson, L.R., & Sharkey, J. (2021). Critical community literacies in teacher education. Pandya, J. Z., Mora, R. A., Alford, J., Golden, N. A. & de Roock, R. S. (Eds.). The critical literacies handbook. (pp. 437-446). London: Routledge.

Dharamshi, P., Kosnik, C., & Menna, L. (2019). How did I get where I am?: Turning points in the personal and professional lives of literacy teacher educators. In D. YendolHoppey, D.T. Hoppey, & N. Fitchman Dana (Eds.), Preparing the Next Generation of Teacher Educators for Clinically-Intensive Teacher Preparation. (pp. 113-126). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Kosnik, C., Dharamshi, P., Menna, L. (2019). From tinkering around the edges to reconceptualizing courses: Literacy/English teacher educators’ views and use of digital technology. In J. Murray, A. Swennen, & C. Kosnik (Eds.), Inside Teacher Education: International Perspectives on Policy and Practice. (pp. 63-78). Dordetcht: Springer Academic Publishers.

Kosnik, C., Dharamshi, P., & Menna, L. (2017). Reconceptualizing Their Teaching Over Time: Goals and Pedagogies of Mid- and Later-Career Literacy/English Teacher Educators. In M. Dalmau, H. Guðjónsdóttir, & D. Tidwell (Eds.), Taking a Fresh Look at Education:  Framing Professional Learning in Education through Self-Study. (pp. 113-128). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. (R)

Kosnik, C., Menna, L., & Dharamshi, P. (2017). You Teach Who You Are Until the Government Comes to Class: A Study of 28 Literacy Teacher Educators in Four Countries. In M. Peters, B. Cowie, & I. Menter (Eds.), A Companion to Research in Teacher Education. (pp.135-151). Singapore: Springer. (R)

Kosnik, C., & Dharamshi, P. (2016). Intertwining digital technology and literacy methods courses: Examining exemplary practices of literacy/English teacher educators. In C. Kosnik, L. Goodwin, S. White, B. Marshall, J. Murray, & C. Beck (Eds.), Building Bridges: Rethinking Literacy Teacher Education in a Digital Era. (pp. 163-180). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Kosnik, C., Dharamshi, P., Menna, L., Miyata, C., & Cleovoulou, Y. (2015). You teach who you are: The experiences and pedagogies of literacy/English teacher educators who have a critical stance. In J. Lampert, & B. Burnett (Eds.), Teacher Education for High Poverty Schools. (pp. 135-151). Dordetcht: Springer Academic Publishers.

Kosnik, C., Menna, L., & Dharamshi, P. (2015) Preparing student teachers to be literacy teachers:literacy teacher educators balancing multiple demands. In N. Maynes, & B. Hatt (Eds.), The Complexity of Hiring, Supporting, and Retaining New Teachers Across Canada. (pp. 22- 39). Canadian Association of Teacher Educators (CATE).

Kosnik, C., Miyata, C., Dharamshi, P., Cleovoulou, Y., Fletcher, T., & Menna, L. (2015). The education of teacher educators. In C. Riches & F. Branson (Eds.), Handbook on Initial Teacher Education. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Association for Teacher Education.
