- Member, Office of International Education (2020-2021)
- Member, Senate Committee on International Activities (2020-2021)
- Member, Undergraduate Programs Committee (2018-2021)
- Member, Professional Development Program, Faculty of Education (2017-2019)
- Member, Graduate Studies Committee, Faculty of Education (2014-2016)
- Member, Field Programs Committee, Faculty of Education (2012-2014)
- Member, Graduate Studies Committee, Faculty of Education (2012-2014)
- Site Sponsor, M.Ed. in Leadership, Faculty of Education (2011-2013)
- Recruitment trip to China, Recruitment for the International M.Ed. in Leadership (2011)
- Associate Director, Graduate Programs (2007–2008)
- Site Sponsor, Langley off-campus M.Ed. Curriculum & Instruction program (2006–2008)
- Member, EdD Leadership program, EdD Leadership Retreat (2006–present)
- Mentor to new faculty member, Faculty of Education-Leadership Program (2006–present)
- Member, off-campus EdD program, visited EdD sites of excellence in the UK (2006–present)
- Member, off-campus EdD Leadership program (2006–present)
- Commitee Member, Appointments Committee, Cognate for the Ed.D Leadership focused search, Faculty of Education (2006–present)
- Committee Member, Graduate Studies Committee (2006–2007)
- Committee Member, Field Programs Committee (2005–present)
- Coordinator, M.Ed./MA Leadership on-campus Program (2005–present)