

Schmidt, M. (2011). China report. Post-Recruitment report, M.Ed. in Leadership, Faculty of Education, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV.

Nguyen, H., Schmidt, M. & Murray, C. (2007). Does school size matter? A social capital perspective. Commissioned by the Coquitlam PAC.

Schmidt, M. (2007). M.Ed. in Leadership Program Review. Faculty of Education, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV.

Datnow, A., Foster, L., Kemper, E., Lasky, S., Rutherford, C., Schmidt, M.,   Stringfield, S., Sutherland, S. & Thomas, J. (2003). Five key factors in supporting comprehensive school reform. Report prepared as a deliverable to the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education for CRESPAR Project 4.2. 

Schmidt, M. (2002). The effects of whole school improvement through CSRD and other reform efforts on the implementation of classroom assessment. Report prepared as a deliverable to Texas A&M-Commerce, Graduate Studies and Research in fulfillment of TAMU Research Grant.

Datnow, A., Foster, L., Rutherford, C., Schmidt, M. & Sutherland, S. (2002).  Student, educator, school, and community outcomes associated with comprehensive school reform implementation: A review of the qualitative literature base. Report prepared as a deliverable to OERI, U.S. Department of Education for CRESPAR Project 4.2.

Hargreaves, A., Shaw, P., Moore, S. & Schmidt, M. (2001). Change frames: A case study. working paper written in fulfillment of OISE/UT and The Peel University Partnership and a SSHRC grant.

Schmidt, M. (2000). The Millennium Project: A pilot study-from students’ perspectives. Commissioned by The Assessment Training Consortium. 

Katz, S. & Schmidt, M. (2000). Peel curriculum framework: A thinking frame. Peel Board of Education.

Schmidt, M. (1999). The Millennium Project: A pilot study-from teachers’ perspectives. Commissioned by The Assessment Training Assessment.

Schmidt, M., and Earl, L. (1998). Secondary graduation assessment models: An international perspective. Position paper for the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO).

Schmidt, M. (1998). An interview with Michael Fullan. ICEC Connections, 1(1), 3. 

Schmidt, M. (1997). Assessment framework 1997: An annotated bibliography. Commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Training of Ontario.

Schmidt, M. (1997). Provincial student achievement report card: A report. Commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Training of Ontario.

Gregory, D. & Schmidt, M. (1995). The status of school/community involvement groups in Scarborough. Toronto District School Board of Education Research Department.

Baird, B. & Schmidt, M. (1995). Scarborough school review survey summary report: Results from 30 schools, 1994-1995. Toronto District School Board of Education Research Department. 
