Book Chapters

Samier, E., & Schmidt, M. (in progress). Postcolonial re-construction of Higher Education entrepreneurialism: Critiques of alternatives to neoliberal and globalized models.

Schmidt, M, Berynets, K., & Scott, C. (in press). Transformative Leadership and International Students. IntechOpen.

Berynets, K., Scott, C., & Schmidt, M. (in press). Pra(colonialist) perspective on international higher education. In Eugenie Samier, D. Taglietti, & F. Deer (Eds.), Indigenous, Multiple and Transitory Identities in Educational Leadership: Changing, Multiplying, and Transformatory Constructions of Self and Roles. Routledge.

Schmidt, M. (2022). Troubling intersectionality and educational leadership: An archaeological analysis. In Fenwick English, (Ed.), Palgrave Handbook of Educational Leadership and Management Discourse. Palgrave.

Schmidt, M. & Mestry, R. (2019). Through the looking glass: An intersectional lens of South African education policy. In Julia Jordan-Zachary and Olena Hankivsky (eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Intersectionality in Public Policy. Palgrave Press.

Schmidt, M. (2010). The new facts of life: Leading the British Columbia school system into the context of globalization marketization and accountability. In K. Anderson (Ed.) An educational leadership compendium: Emerging Canadian scholars in education (pp. 10–33). Fredericton, NB: The Atlantic Centre for Educational Administration and Leadership (ACEAL), Faculty of Education, University of New Brunswick.

Schmidt, M. (2010). Educational trust: A critical component in the (de)cultivation of social capital in school districts. In E. Samier & M. Schmidt (Eds.), Critical perspectives on trust and betrayal in educational administration and leadership (pp. 43–59). New York: Routledge.

Schmidt, M. (2010). Introduction. In E. Samier and M. Schmidt (Eds.), Trust and betrayal in educational administration and leadership (pp. 13–28). New York:  Routledge.

Samier, E. & Schmidt, M. (2009). Introduction. In E. Samier & M. Schmidt (Eds.), The emotional dimension of educational administration and leadership (pp.1–17). New York: Routledge.

Schmidt, M. (2009). Accountability and the educational leader: Where does fear fit in? In E. Samier & M. Schmidt (Eds.), The emotional dimension of educational administration and leadership (pp. 145–159). New York: Routledge.

Schmidt, M., Castellano, M., Tapales, A., Stringfield, S. & Stone, J. (2008). Exit exams and organizational change in a vocational high school. In B. Fuller, M. K. Henne, & E. Hannum (Eds.), Strong states, weak schools: The benefits and dilemmas of centralized accountability (pp. 209–236). Research in the Sociology of Education, Volume 16, Book Series, Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Schmidt, M. (2008). Risky policy processes: Accountability and school leadership. In E.Samier (Ed.), Political approaches to educational administration and leadership (pp. 139–154). New York: Routledge.

Day, C., & Schmidt, M. (2007). Sustaining resilience. In B. Davis (Ed.), Developing sustainable leadership (pp. 100–132). London: Paul Chapman-Sage.

Datnow, A. with Foster, L., Kemper, E., Lasky, S., Rutherford, C., Schmidt, M., Stringfield, S., Sutherland, S., & Thomas, J. (2005). Five key factors in supporting comprehensive school reform. In N. Bascia et al. International handbook of educational policy (pp. 195–215). Springer.

Schmidt, M. (2002). Emotions in educational administration: An unorthodox examination   of teachers’ career decisions. In K. Leithwood et al. Annual international handbook of educational leadership and administration (pp. 1103–1131). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Book reviews

Schmidt, M., & Mestry, R. (in press). A review of “South African Schooling: The Enigma of Inequality” by Spaull, N., & Jansen, J.D. (Eds.). Leadership and Policy in Schools.

Schmidt, M. & Popkewitz, T. (2004). A review of “Fabricating Europe: The Formation of an Educational Space” by Novoa, A., & Lawn, M. Discourse, 25(3), 412–419.

Edited Books

Samier, E. & Schmidt, M. (2010) (Eds.). Critical perspectives on trust and betrayal in educational administration and leadership. Routledge.

Samier, E. & Schmidt, M. (2008) (Eds.). Emotional dimensions of educational administration and leadership. Routledge.
