
Journal Articles

Selected Journal Articles

Fettes, M. EcoSchools and forest schools as cultural attractors: Resilience and system change in environmental schooling. Submitted to Environmental Education Research; under revision.

Tonkin, H. & Fettes, M. Esperantic studies and language management in a globalized world. Submitted to The Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development; under revision. (co-editor)

Fettes, M. (2015). Language in the United Nations post-2015 development agenda: Challenges to language policy and planning. Language Problems and Language Planning 39(2), 298-311.

Fettes, M. (2015). Normative tensions in the self-understanding and cultural practice of a cosmopolitan language community: The case of Esperanto. Cosmopolis 9, 13-18.

Blenkinsop, S., M. Fettes & J. Kentel (2014). Dark matters: Turning toward the untouched, the unheard and the unseen in environmental education. Guest editorial. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education 19, 5-17. (co-author, co-editor)

Fettes, M. (2013). Imagination and experience: An integrative framework. Democracy and Education, 21(1), 1–11.

Fettes, M. (2012). Orality for all: An imaginative place-based approach to oral language development. Language Awareness, DOI:10.1080/09658416.2011.652633.

Fettes, M. (2011). Senses and sensibilities: Educating the Somatic imagination. Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 27(2), 114–129.

Fettes, M. & Judson, G. (2011). Imagination and the cognitive tools of place-making. The Journal of Environmental Education, 42(2), 123–135.

Fettes, M. (2005). Imaginative transformation in teacher education. Teaching Education, 16(1), 3–11.

Fettes, M. (2001). Les géostratégies de l’interlinguisme. Terminogramme, 99(100), 35–46.

Fettes, M. (1998). Indigenous education and the ecology of community. Language, Culture, and Curriculum, 11(3), 250-271.

Fettes, M. (1997). Esperanto and language policy: Exploring the issues. Language Problems and Language Planning, 21, 66–77.

Fettes, M. (1996). The Esperanto community: A quasi-ethnic linguistic minority? Language Problems and Language Planning, 20, 53–59.

Fettes, M. (1991). Europe's Babylon: Towards a single European language? History of European Ideas, 13, 201–213.
