
Non-refereed Articles and Reports

Kanevsky, L. (accepted).  Foreword. In T. L. See, L. D., Ponnusamy, and Q.C. Geok (Eds.), Curriculum for High Ability Learners - Issues, Trends and Practices. Singapore: Springer.

Kanevsky, L. (November, 2010). Choice and decision-making: Sharing responsibility for curriculum differentiation with students, The Exchange: Gifted Education Newsletter, 1–6.

Wideen, M., Kanevsky, L., & Northey, D. (2007). Support for seamless education system: Modernizing the approach to teacher development (Final Report). Submitted to the Trinidad & Tobago Ministry of Education annd the Inter-American Development Bank, Port of Spain, Trinidad.

Kanevsky, L. (2005, Spring). Tiering with Venn diagrams. KAGE Update: Newsletter of the Kentucky Association for the Gifted, 1, 9–10. [Reprint of 2003 article in Gifted Education Communicator]

Kanevsky, L. (2004). Social issues are a great place to develop metacognitive awareness and knowledge. Gifted Education Communicator.35(3), 49–51.

Kanevsky, L. (2004). Streamlining math drills to enhance accuracy and motivation. Gifted Education Communicator, 35(1), 53–54.

Kanevsky, L. (2003). Tiering with Venn diagrams.  Gifted Education Communicator 34(2), 42–44.

Kanevsky, L. (2003). Criteria are critical. Gifted Education Communicator, 34(1), 57.

Kanevsky, L., Frangkiser, L., & Corke, M. (2003). School in the Park Research Report 2001–2002.  San Diego State University, San Diego, CA.

Kanevsky, L., Frangkiser, L., & Corke, M. (2002). School in the Park Research Report 2000–2001.  San Diego State University, San Diego, CA.

Kanevsky, L. (2002). Opening up curriculum. Gifted Education Communicator, 33(4), 52–53.

Kanevsky, L. S. (2002). Choice: A way to share responsibility for differentiating curriculum. Gifted Education Communicator, 33(3), 48–50.

