
2021 Webinar Series

Professional Development in Ecological Restoration: SER Western Canada

Webinars: February to April 2021


Society of Ecological Restoration Western Chapter

February 12, 2021 - (4:30-5:30pm)

Click for event registration.   

Dave Polster


Dave is a plant ecologist with over 35 years of experience in vegetation studies, reclamation and invasive species management. He graduated from the University of Victoria with an Honours Bachelor of Science degree in 1975 and a Master of Science degree in 1977. He has developed a wide variety of reclamation techniques for steep/unstable slopes as well as techniques for the re-establishment of riparian and aquatic habitats. He is the past-president of the Canadian Land Reclamation Association in and is a founding member of and is the treasurer for the Western Canada Chapter of the Society for Ecological Restoration and is the NW Regional Representative on the SER international board. He serves on the board of the Invasive Species Council of BC. 


Zachary Moore


Zachary is a developing environmental professional working with Nature Conservancy Canada as an Assistant Natural Area Manager, where he helps to coordinate conservation strategies for a large buffer zone surrounding Waterton Lakes National Park. After working on several population ecology research projects in and after his undergrad, Zachary discovered his interest in how ecological theory is taken and applied by biologists working on the ground. This led him to Niagara College and a graduate certificate in Ecosystem Restoration the ultimate test of ecological theory. As the Vice President of their student SER chapter, Zachary organized several small restoration projects through the college. Through this work, he developed a fascination with the multitude of public, private, and non-profit organizations that exist to further similar environmentally based goals, and how they can be better connected. Since moving to Alberta, the SERs goal of connecting restoration practitioners the world over to share their knowledge has become one of Zacharys true passions. His other passions include bugs of all kinds, cooking (eating), working with kids, and board games.


Keith MacCallum


Keith joined the SER team as a contractor in January 2020. He works to support the initiatives of the Membership Director, Program Manager, and Executive Director. After discovering the field of Ecological Restoration while pursuing an undergraduate degree in Environmental Science, he went on to complete Niagara College's Ecosystem Restoration Graduate Certificate and the M.Sc. in Ecological Restoration program at 間眅埶AV/British Columbia Institute of Technology. A proud SER member since 2016, Keith has been involved with several regional and student chapters, and has held his CERPIT designation since 2017. Despite regularly being on the move, his home will always be Alma, New Brunswick.


Andy Owens


Andy has worked as Restoration Ecologist for Brinkman Restoration for the past 11 years, managing the design and implementation of terrestrial and aquatic restoration projects throughout Western Canada. His focus includes riparian and upland restoration, habitat enhancement in novel ecosystems, and restoration of soil health through microbial inoculations. Andy has a BA in Environmental Studies, Certificate in Restoration of Natural Systems and Professional Specialization Ecological Restoration. A Certified Ecological Restoration Practitioner (CERP), Andy currently sits on the Board of Directors for the Society of Ecological Restoration for Western Canada and the CERP program certification committee for SER International.


Mae Whyte


Mae works for Blueberry River First Nations as their Restoration Project Officer. She graduated from BCIT twice, completing the Fish, Wildlife and Recreation diploma program in 2017 and the Ecological Restoration BSc program in 2019. From 2017-2019, Mae served as the President of the Society for Ecological Restoration at BCIT. She is passionate about invasive species management, boreal forest restoration, freshwater ecology, and reciprocal restoration. When not working or volunteering, Mae is either curled up with a book or laughing at herself at the gym.    


Erin Roberts


Erin is a problem-solving ecologist with professional experience in consulting and governments Alberta and BC. She is currently working as a Habitat Planner with the Canadian Wildlife Service, where she helps manage and restore federal protected areas for wildlife, migratory birds, and species at risk. Her roots were formed at the University of Waterloo in an interdisciplinary Environment and Business (BES) program and she has since completed the Ecological Restoration MSc program from BCIT and 間眅埶AV. For her graduate research, she investigated monitoring metrics in intertidal estuarine restoration, and is fascinated with the role of resilience and succession in ecosystems. Wetlands, watershed management and disturbance histories in Western Canada are her specialty, but she often finds herself learning and working in other ecosystems. Its good to mix it up.

Shes excited about restoration because she believes it helps people better understand and appreciate the complexities of nature in a practical way. Shes also a rock climber, skier, and reasonably proficient pickler.


College of Applied Biology

February 22, 2021 - (4:30-5:30pm)

Click  for event registration.   

Derek Marcoux



Derek Marcoux is a Registered Professional Biologist and Registrar with the College of Applied Biology. Derek has been practicing applied biology for over 30 years in areas of plant ecology, inventory mapping, ecological restoration, compliance, and systems auditing. As well, Derek instructed ecology, botany, forest soils, and ecological restoration at Selkirk College for over 15 years. 

The College of Applied Biology ()  regulates the profession of applied biology practice in British Columbia. Important changes have occurred in the natural resource sector that includes applied biology, forestry, agrology, and engineering. In February 2021, The Professional Governance Act was brought into force with oversight legislation governing regulatory bodies in British Columbia. Critical to this change is the plan to bring in mandatory registration as a Professional Biologist (Registered Professional Biologist) or Biological Technologist (Registered Biology Technologist). This means anyone practicing applied biology, such as ecological restoration, will be required to register. 

The presentation will cover the critical changes that have recently occurred, new changes that are coming, and the pathways for individuals to become registered as either a registered professional, or in-training registrants.



LinkedIn Workshop

March 12, 2021 - (4:30-5:30pm)

Click  for event registration.   

Rebecca Ho 


Rebecca Ho will be hosting a hands on LinkedIn workshop where students will learn all about LinkedIn as a networking platform:

  • What is LinkedIn?
  • How can I use LinkedIn to find out what students in my program do after they graduate?
  • How do I make my LinkedIn Profile better? 

If you are interested in attending this event, make sure you have downloaded LinkedIn so you can easily follow along!



Resume and Cover Letter Workshop

March 22, 2021 - (4:30-5:30pm)

Click  for event registration.   

Brenda Badgero


Brenda is the Career Education Manager for the faculties of Applied Science, Science, Environment, and Health Sciences. She will be discussing all things resume and cover letter writing for Ecological Restoration job applications. Brenda is a passionate and resourceful career educator with 20+ years experience in the career development and work search field educating and guiding the university student population.

Find out how to effectively customize your resume/CV and cover letter to meet the diverse needs of organizations.  Present your experiences, education, skills and characteristics in a way that showcases your assets and uniqueness, and piques employers interest in you!  Plus, learn how to deconstruct job postings, navigate Applicant Tracking Systems [ATS] and more!

Checkout this webinar event to get a head start applying for positions with Brenda's tips and tricks for resume and cover letter writing!

St'at'imc Government Services

April 9, 2021 - (4:30-5:30pm)

Click  for event registration.   

Meaghan Hume


Biography and Synopsis

Meaghan Hume is a Relations Manager with St獺timc Government Services. In this role she works closely with 10 St獺timc communities to strengthen capacity, heritage and environmental resource management, and BC Hydro relationship on behalf of 10 St獺timc communities.

Meaghan has worked in partnership with First Nations throughout BC for 10 years on a range of projects including environment programs, capital planning, youth programming and economic development. She has a deep appreciation for the opportunity to partner with First Nations and learn from communities. Shes excited to share her experience and lessons learned with students who may be planning to work on ecological restoration projects with Indigenous communities.