
Eric Ludwig

M.Sc. Candidate
Earth Sciences

Areas of interest

Environmental stressors induced by climate change, climate variability, and human activity have caused significant changes to the groundwater recharge and storage, as well as streamflow of hydrologic systems. Despite these stressors affecting the volume of groundwater available to be produced from a hydrologic system, the B.C government does not presently consider these stressors in their policies for water allocation. This creates the potential for the overallocation of water, causing damage to both the hydrologic system and its local environment.

My research has a considerable focus on measuring the affects that environmental stressors have on the hydrologic system of the North Alouette River Watershed. I will determine the North Alouette River’s sensitivity to groundwater development using a previously constructed numeric hydrogeologic model of the region. In addition, I will compare the amount of groundwater available to be allocated from the watershed under varying climatic conditions through the use of both historical and current streamflow data of the North Alouette River. The outcome of this research aims to help inform future government policy on water management and allocation.