
Crey Ackerson

M.Sc. Candidate
Quaternary Geoscience Research Group

Areas of interest

Detailed Surficial Mapping and Permafrost Related Landslides in the Kluane Range, SW Yukon, Canada

This project will involve detailed surficial mapping (1:50K), documentation of timing, frequency and mechanisms of permafrost related landslides glacial history in the White River-Beaver Creek region of Yukon, Canada. The mapping will focus on updating previous surficial mapping and glacial limits in the region and identifying areas prone to permafrost related detachment landslides. Stratigraphy from exposures will be used to compile a glacial history of the study area. This work will tie in with the broader regional surficial mapping and glacial history. Utilizing air photos going back to the 1950s and satellite imagery, areas prone to permafrost related landslides will be analysed to determine their timing and frequency. As global surface temperatures increase the permafrost active layer is likely to become more extensive and reach greater depths while remaining thawed for longer periods of time each year or disappear entirely. Understanding the timing, frequency and failure mechanisms of these slides will aid in identifying areas where water resources and future developments could be negatively impacted