
Dr. Sarah Schulman


Dr. Sarah Schulman has spent her career in buses, bingo halls, back alleyways, and board rooms. As a social scientist focused on finding ideas to solve complex social challenges, Sarah collaborates with people, nonprofits, cities, government agencies and philanthropies to re-design welfare systems from the ground-up. She is the Founding Partner of InWithForward, a social design shop with studios in Vancouver and Toronto that works in communities to develop, test and spread new support models. Her teams have produced award-winning and scalable interventions like Kudoz, a learning platform for adults with cognitive disabilities, and Family by Family, a network of families helping families stay out of the child protection system. Sarah holds a B.A (honors) in Human Biology and an M.A in Education from Stanford University as well as a DPhil in Social Policy from Oxford University, where she was a Rhodes Scholar. In 2019, Sarah was a Munk Global Journalism Fellow at the University of Toronto, where she published pieces in The Globe and Mail, Maclean’s and the Walrus.