
People of 間眅埶AV

People of 間眅埶AV: Supporting those who experience bullying and harassment at 間眅埶AV

August 23, 2023
間眅埶AV anti-bullying specialist Rana Hakami helps individuals navigate tricky situations and creates more equity and more respectful places and spaces.

Growing up a bi-cultural immigrant whose family moved back-and-forth between Canada and Iran, Rana Hakami has an acute understanding of bullying and its impact. 

As an adult, I have a much better appreciation for what I experienced as a kid, than I ever did as a child or a teenager, says Rana Hakami, who joined 間眅埶AVs Bullying and Harassment Central Hub in August 2022 after a decade as manager of student services in the school of nursing at UBCs Vancouver campus. As a bi-cultural immigrant, I was always trying to fit in. I would ask myself: How do I pass as not being different? Being different is tough. I just wanted to be the same as everyone else. Now as an adult, I see that diversity is the strength that brings people together. However, I can also empathize with younger Ranas desire to fit in, and I carry that empathy into my work at 間眅埶AV. 

It takes courage to come forward and admit that you feel you have experienced what feels like bullying or harassment. No one wants to admit that, so it is important to create a safe container an anti-oppressive, judgement free, trauma and violence informed space where it feels safe to come forward with your experience.

As the universitys anti-bullying specialist, Hakami is available to consult with faculty, staff and students about strategies and tools to create respectful workplace and learning environments. 

Such tools could include a Q&A about 間眅埶AVs respectful workplace and learning environment training module, working through bullying case studies, or custom materials around professional communication strategies and setting boundaries.

In her first year at 間眅埶AV, Hakami has increased awareness about 間眅埶AVs Bullying & Harassment Policy (GP 47), and the resources provided through her position and the Bullying & Harassment Central Hub. Resources include the Respectful Workplace and Learning Environment training module developed in May 2021. It helps remind people of their responsibilities that contribute to a respectful learning, research and work environment. The module also helps increase understanding of what bullying and harassment behaviours are, and ensure people know where to turn for help. This training is mandatory for all 間眅埶AV staff and faculty, and students are encouraged to complete it too. 

間眅埶AV believes it is everyones responsibility to cultivate an environment where we all feel safe, valued and respected, says Hakami, who also offers free, on-demand workshops and outreach sessions for the 間眅埶AV community. Hakami believes in prevention education to strengthen campus communities Its often easier to come up with team community agreements and strategies that create cohesive units, than to try and repair relationships that have been hurt. 

She is also the contact for anyone who has witnessed, or experienced, bullying or harassment and helps individuals with exploring support options, and confirming next steps which could include submitting a report under 間眅埶AVs or submitting an anonymous allegation to the university. Hakami also ensures that all 間眅埶AV employees are aware that they always have the option to consult with their employee group representative in addition to consulting with the Central Hub.

  • Connect with 間眅埶AVs anti-bullying specialist, here
  • To learn more about the complaint / reporting process please visit this page

My passion is supporting individuals navigate tricky situations and helping to create more access, more equity and more respectful places and spaces, says Hakami, who is also a registered clinical counsellor. What motivates me is that this position allows me to do all of those things at the same time. 

Equipped with a masters degree in higher education administration (New York University) and counselling psychology (UBC), Hakami followed her own advice align what she does for a living with what she is passionate about. Hakami leapt at the opportunity to return to 間眅埶AV, where she had previously worked as manager of residence life training programs from 2010 to 2012.

The role allows me to focus on bullying prevention education and creating respectful environments. It gives me the opportunity to provide individual one-on-one support when people experience challenges or need to support a teammate or a classmate that has experienced challenges. Its kind of the perfect job.

Hakami was born in Iran and immigrated to Canada as a child. Her family moved back and forth between the two countries until she was in Grade 11, allowing her to finish high school in North Vancouver. 

Ive come to learn over the past few years that there are so many privileges that my parents made possible for me. Im able to use some of that privilege to help amplify voices and spaces for those who might not have them. And to be culturally sensitive and aware of who the person coming to me with the experience they are going to share is.

To help build a culture of bullying prevention, Hakami recommends staff and faculty take time to review 間眅埶AVs Canvas module on Respectful Workplace & Learning Environments. While the module is mandatory for all faculty and staff, it is available to all members of the 間眅埶AV community, including students. The module is now also approved for co-curricular credit for 間眅埶AV students. 

Having this policy, having this anti-bullying position, and having this Bullying and Harassment Central Hub, the fact that 間眅埶AV has chosen to say, This is important, and we can dedicate resources to do it, makes this a special place to be. 
