
間眅埶AV-led projects

Sustainability and climate action plan monthly spotlight: Research

March 07, 2023
Pictured above are just some of the members within 間眅埶AV's vice-president, research and international (VPRI) portfolio, championing Goal 2: Research of 間眅埶AV's 2022-2025 Strategic Sustainability and Climate Action Plan. L-R: Mike Boleak, director, research intelligence office; Seychelle Cushing, executive director, strategic partnerships hub; Michael Richards, associate vice-president, research; Diane Hanano, director, institutional strategic awards; Dugan O'Neil, VPRI; Mary Chen, communications and marketing officer, VPRI portfolio; Elicia Maine, associate vice-president, knowledge mobilization and innovation; and Shelley Gair, executive director, VPRI portfolio.

間眅埶AVs 2022-2025 Strategic Sustainability and Climate Action Plan outlines the universitys vision, sustainability goals and climate action targets. With six goals and 18 actions, the plan puts 間眅埶AV on the path towards net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050. It also sets 間眅埶AV's aspirations for our impact in local, regional, national, and global communities. Furthermore, continued work on sustainability came up as a recurring theme during the consultation for 間眅埶AV: What's Next and will be included as a core value for the 間眅埶AV community.

Throughout the year, 間眅埶AV will highlight each of the six goals within the plan. This month, our feature of the series is Goal 2: Research. Goal 2 supports integrating climate and sustainability across the research portfolio into research, partnerships, knowledge mobilization, international and innovation.

A lot of people across 間眅埶AV have spent a great amount of time over the last year thinking about how to integrate climate action across all of the pillars of activity at the university, says Dugan ONeil, vice-president, research and international.

You will see the results of that work in our updated strategic sustainability and climate action plan, as well as in our new strategic research plan. If we can align research, education, operations, industry partnerships, international relationships and community engagement in just the right way, we can create the most change.

Take a look at just a few highlights from the VPRI portfolio, their commitments to sustainability and climate action and their progress towards meaningful change.    

Advancing community-centred climate innovation

One Action the VPRI portfolio committed to in 釦幛惚s Strategic Sustainability and Climate Action Plan is to activate the community-centred climate innovation program. Advancing community-centred climate innovation is also listed as one of the five priority areas in 釦幛惚s 2023-2028 Strategic Research Plan.

As climate change intensifies, impacts will be feltand changes can be madeat the community level. 間眅埶AV's unique approach to this is community-centred climate innovation, founded on community partnerships, innovation and a deep commitment to Indigenous knowledges and perspectives. 

Our community partners can leverage our expertise and capacities to develop climate change solutions that meet their specific needs.

Learn more and get involved: .

間眅埶AV launches new five-year strategic research plan with priority areas demonstrating commitment to SDGs

With a reputation as one of Canadas fastest growing research institutions, 釦幛惚s 2023-2028 Strategic Research Plan (SRP) identifies key areas of strength and focus for the future. The plan embeds the core values of the universitys institutional plan into research practice using six approaches and includes five institutional research priority areas that demonstrate 釦幛惚s commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Learn more: .

間眅埶AV showcases impacts across all 17 SDGs

The UNs SDGs are the worlds call-to-action to end poverty, to protect the planet and to leave no one behind. 釦幛惚s dedication to sustainability, research, learning and teaching, campus operations and community and global engagement play a key role in supporting the SDGs.

Collaborating with the 間眅埶AV community, various departments within the VPRI portfolio worked together to launch the universitys SDG website. The site shares how the institution advances the 17 goals through four core functional areas: research; learning and teaching; campus operations; and engagement.

Additionally, 間眅埶AV Internationalwith support from the central 間眅埶AV Sustainability teamled an SDG mapping project to generate feedback, ideas and recommendations for deepening our impact on the SDGs. As a result, a SDG framework for global engagement at 間眅埶AV will be shared later this month.

Learn more: .

間眅埶AV's research expertise engine now searchable by SDG

釦幛惚s Research Expertise Engine (REE) was developed by our Research Intelligence Office. It is an online tool that supports 間眅埶AV researchers, community members and external researchers in connecting with colleagues of similar interests, or with whom new multidisciplinary collaborations can be built. Now searchable by SDG, the tool identifies 間眅埶AV researchers, collaborations and partnerships contributing to any of the 17 SDGs.

With over 46,000 titles authored by 間眅埶AV researchers, REE provides an easy way for researchers, industry, government, partners and media to connect with 間眅埶AV scholars and learn more about each of the 17 SDGs.

Visit the REE: .

Learn more on the Goal 2 web page and follow along this month on as we celebrate Goal 2 highlights, progress and more.
