
Campus notices

Transportation Centre elevator closure: Shuttle service & accessibility impacts

September 24, 2021

The Transportation Centre elevator is currently closed for maintenance and safety upgrades that are anticipated to take eight weeks to complete. An accessible shuttle is available between the Transportation Centre Lower Bus Loop and the Student Union Building, Monday-Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. with pick up every 20-25 minutes.

This closure will impact community members who have disabilities (both visible and invisible) and those who rely on this lift to access the campus. While arrangements have been made for a shuttle service and alternative routes are available (e.g. discharge at the Upper Bus Loop), these alternatives involve crossing greater distances and a reliance on service providers. Community members may experience unavoidable delays, which can impact their ability to get to classes and appointments on time. Where possible, please extend consideration and compassion around late arrivals.

Signage with details about the Accessible Shuttle service will be placed at pickup/drop off locations. Check out the to know its ETA. Users may also call dispatch (604-969-8084) to request urgent pickup and the vehicle will make its way to the requested stop as quickly as possible.
