
People of 間眅埶AV

People of 間眅埶AV: Meet William Chan-Gill, 間眅埶AV Ceremonies & Events

August 05, 2021

This is a story in our People of 間眅埶AV series, where were celebrating 間眅埶AVs unsung heroesthose who go above and beyond the call of duty to create community, advance 間眅埶AVs mission and make the university a great place to work and learn. You can read more stories here.

For William Chan-Gill, community is a cornerstone of his personal and professional life.

Im very community orientedI like to be very deliberate about surrounding myself with people who are able to support each other and experience life together.

Chan-Gill is a longtime member of 間眅埶AVs community, having completed his bachelors degree in history, and now working as a Data Coordinator with 間眅埶AV Ceremonies & Events (C&E).

As part of the C&E team, Chan-Gill aspires to make events more accessible, inclusive, diverse and culturally significant. He lauds the C&E teams cohesion and compassion.

They are very people-focused. Individual needs and experiences are taken very seriously and prioritized. As a self-identified member of the queer community, Chan-Gill has long been passionate about equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI), and has been happy to find an environment in which he can bring an EDI lens to a receptive group.

The places [in which] Ive found the most comfort and community are the places that are inclusive and accessible in the truest sensethat anybody can walk through the door and be welcomed right away.

Chan-Gill has taken this work and his values beyond C&E, serving the entire 間眅埶AV community as a member of 間眅埶AVs EDI Advisory Council, where he is now in his second term.

It has been a really positive experience, says Chan-Gill.  Ive sat on other councils and boards where a lot of talk occurs and nothing really happens, or its not well-received, but thats not the case here. Everything is taken very seriously, its all very intentional. It makes me really optimistic about the university moving forward in a very accessible and inclusive manner.

Chan-Gill has taken pride in being able to advise President Joy Johnson directly, including on 間眅埶AVs .

He is also excited to be part of a new working group within the council focused on identifying challenges for transgender, non-binary and gender-nonconforming people on campus, and proposing solutions to address them.

When describing his approach to equity and inclusion, Chan-Gill describes green flags of acceptance and accessibility, as opposed to the red flags often encountered by equity-deserving groups. Green flags serve as signifiers of an environments considerations of a diversity of identities and abilities. He gives examples such as normalizing including ones personal pronouns in introductions, the ease of identifying accessible or gender-neutral washrooms, or simply seeing oneself reflected in media, images, and the population of a space.

 I think the more welcoming any space is, the more signals people have that it is somewhere to be comfortable.

Chan-Gill will also be a speaker at 間眅埶AVs  (August 11), an event which will bring together members of the LGBTQ2+ community at 間眅埶AV to discuss opportunities and challenges ahead. Chan-Gill hopes the forum will serve to connect people with one another and build a stronger community network.

As a staff member, I think theres not a lot of opportunity to connect with other queer people on campus.

As a panelist, he hopes to discover what interests 間眅埶AVs LGBTQ2+ community and develop further events to bring people together.

For my vision of 間眅埶AV, I want to see that attitude [of welcoming], says Chan-Gill. To see people committed to creating truly welcoming spaces, where people are comfortable walking into any place and can feel a sense of belonging.
