
From Wade Parkhouse | Update on search for AVP, Learning & Teaching

February 08, 2023

This message is sent on behalf of Wade Parkhouse, provost and vice-president academic, pro tem. It has been sent to all faculty and staff.

In late 2022, I launched a renewal process for the position of Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President, Learning & Teaching. Dr. Elizabeth Elle, current incumbent in the role, agreed to stand for renewal. A search committee was created and the process unfolded according to GP29.

During the process, Dr. Elle had the opportunity to pause and reflect on the role and her time in it. After consideration, she decided to withdraw from consideration. Though I am disappointed, I understand and support her decision. She has agreed to remain in the position until the end of her term, which is June 2023.

Dr. Elle has made significant strides as the inaugural Vice-Provost in this role. Among her achievements are educational goals for undergraduates, progress on improving general education program (WQB), and, most importantly, changing the conversation around celebrating and assessing teaching. I am grateful for her service and recognize the strong foundation she has put in place as we continue to build this critical function at the university.

I will take some time now to review the role profile before launching a new search. More specific detail on the next steps will be shared as soon as possible.

Dr. Wade Parkhouse
Provost and Vice-President Academic, pro tem