
From IT Services | [Update] Phishing Scam Email from November 8

November 08, 2021

This email has been sent to the 間眅埶AV community including staff, faculty, students, alumni and retirees. You do not need to reply to this email.

Good afternoon,

Thank you for your patience as we work to resolve this phishing scam attempt.

As you may know, today we discovered a scam email dated November 8, 2021, which appeared to be sent from 間眅埶AVs COVID-19 Support Team. The reply in the email states 間眅埶AV Support.

This email is a phishing scam. A link in the email directs to an offsite location The offsite location requests sensitive banking or other financial information.

Do not click on the link. Do not provide your banking, financial or other sensitive information. Delete the email.

Important steps to note:

If you have already clicked the link and entered your information you should immediately contact your financial institution bank and credit card providers. Please note, we have notified police concerning this incident.

Please note, 間眅埶AV will never ask for personal or financial information via email, phone, text or social media.

For more information on how to identify and avoid these emails, visit the IT Services Phishing Scams page.

A sample of the phishing email is provided below:

Thank you,

IT Services