
Modelling Criminal Justice

CSMG has worked with BC Ministries of Justice, Attorney General and Public Safety and Solicitor General of British Columbia (BC) since 2008.  The overarching focus of their collaboration is to model aspects of the Criminal Justice System in BC and to support policy making with data driven research.  The research spans the fields of criminology, mathematical modelling and data analytics.  

The research collaboration between CSMG and the ministries delivered on a diverse collection of topics.  These include:

  • The cause of the surge in the number of remanded inmates between 2013 and 2016
  • The impact of domestic violence and prolific accused on the Criminal Justice System
  • Number of accused and offenders as a consequence of impaired driving legislation in BC from 2010.
  • The impact of the Truth in Sentencing Act on the Criminal Justice System, particularly on the number of inmates in provincial prisons.
  • Forecasts of BC Corrections' inmate and client counts
  • The relationship between the number of courtrooms and court case duration 

Modelling Healthcare Delivery

CSMG healthcare projects connect the academic fields of operations research, business intelligence and mathematical modelling with the provision of health care and disease control. Operations research and business intelligence work is undertaken in collaboration with the BC Ministry of Health, BC Health authorities, hospitals and hospital foundation partners in and out of BC. The purpose of this research is to optimize different aspects of healthcare delivery in and out of the hospital setting, while taking into account patient outcomes and system resource constraints.

Past and present healthcare operations research projects include:

  • Optimization of HIV treatment services in Vancouver
  • Complex continuing care in rural hospitals
  • Simulation model of BC critical care network
  • Emergency room hospital admission performance targets
  • Surgical wait times in BC
  • Home and community care in BC

Modelling Infectious Diseases

CSMG conducts research into the spread of infectious diseases and the effectiveness of the different public health responses in prevention and epidemic management. Of particular interest is the impact of existing social networks and interactions on the spread of the disease. CSMG has done extensive work modelling the HIV epidemic in Vancouver, as well as  in South Africa and Panama. 

CSMG epidemiological research is conducted in collaboration with the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, Vancouver Coastal Health,  Government of Panama, and others. CSMG healthcare projects include:

  • Social network model of HIV epidemic in Vancouver DTES
  • Estimate of true HIV incidence from surveilance data
  • Control of tuberculosis in South Africa
  • Social network modelling of the HIV epidemic in Carletonville, South Africa
  • Treatment and prevention strategies for the HIV epidemic in Panama